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  1. T

    Small Black Worms

    Yesterday i found these small black worm-like bugs in the roots and some in the mesh cups of my hydro system. Can anyone identify them from the picture and tell me how i can treat this? Thanks.
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    Worms In my Roots!

    Yesterday i found these little black worms in the roots of my hydro system. Could anyone identify them and tell me how i can treat this? Also, my plants are in their flowering cycle and quite strong. Would it be alright to chop off most of the roots in this stage to clear up the tangled mess...
  3. T

    help is my plant starting to flower

    those are just new leaves coming in.
  4. T

    Problem On the Leafs of My Stealth Hydro Kit

    Hey, I have a stealth Hydro kit going right now in a closet. Using Just some different wattage day-light CFLS. I'm about 3 weeks into grow and one of my plants has either some burn or something else on it's leaves.(see picture) The thing that boggles my mind is that it's only on one of the 6...
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    Whats causing my leaves..

    I'm wondering if leaves that have curled under will return to normal as well. I'm having a similar problem.
  6. T

    Fungus or nutrient residue!?

    I have a stealth hydro system going right now. All has been well until whiteish stuff began developing on the rockwool cubes and hydroton. From what i've read it could be fungus or salt residue from nutes. I have pieces of cardboard cut outs keeping the light off the hydroton rocks and the...
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    Plants are wilting and bottom leaves are yellowing!

    I started them in larger pots in my garage and the pots started getting moldy from the humidity so I switched them to cups temporarily (however they've been in there a lot longer than i wanted) but they've showed no signs of new mold so that's good. I don't remember exactly what soil I got but I...
  8. T

    Plants are wilting and bottom leaves are yellowing!

    These plants are about a month old now and are in my closet. I have a small fan running on low towards the tops and the lights. I was using a 300w CFL with 2 smaller 150w CFL's Previously, but i needed them for some other plants so I've switched over to a 150w hps. (Lights are running 20/4 so i...