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  1. D

    5 Days In

    Thanks Everyone
  2. D

    5 Days In

    I am 5 days into my first grow.........You know more than me, I was just trying to understand why clear cups are a bad idea. Thanks for the tip.
  3. D

    5 Days In

    even if they are in a dark garage all day?
  4. D

    5 Days In

    Hello Everyone. I have a few questions. Here are some pics of my first ever batch of plants. I am 2 days in. 20 plants in 16oz cups, kept in warm garage. I have watered twice so far because of the dry conditions. There is no light on these plants. I have no idea when these plants need to be...
  5. D


    Thanks everyone!! One more question.....when does using nutes come into play thanks
  6. D


    Rkm Just let them sit in the dark in the garage with the warm temp is ok??? I do have holes in the bottom of the cups so water can get out. I have a fear that i overwatered already so I hope that I didnt kill them. Thanks
  7. D


    Hello Everyone!!! I need some help. I have 20 germinated seeds in 20 16 oz cups of soil as of tonight. They are 1half inch deep and I just put some water in the cups. As of now all the cups are in the garage where it is fairly dry and the temp is between 80-100. They are not under any light. Can...
  8. D

    Welcome New Members!

    A few more questions if you dont mind Garden Knowm 1. I have 20 germinated seeds 1half inch deep in 20 cups of soil. (let me know if this is ok. i did this b4 i read your response.sorry) 2. How much do I water and do I fertilize yet? 3. Do I keep them in the garage where it is fairly dry and...
  9. D

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello Everyone. I am new here and am very excited to meet all of you. I am a VERY NEW grower and need some tips. I live in AZ and plan to grow indoors. I dont have a grow room yet, I am just buying supplys as I go. I have 15 seeds that have just germinated this morning. I plan on getting some...