Hi, I recently took 3 small cutting sout of my humidity dome. They had shown plenty of roots after 2 weeks so i transplanted them into small pots with Fox Farm Ocean forrest dirt.
took them from under the flourescents and placed under my 400w HPS veg setup. Now after 3 days the youngin's...
I have 11 small clones under a humidity dome in grow sponges. Along with 4 flaurescent lights (60w). They've been there about 9 days and still showing no roots.
How do i apply nutes to these little guys properly? I have some Age Old Bloom (5-10-5) which i foliar fed to one of the clones...
Hmm makes sense. All I have are the Dip N Grow hormone, Age Old organic Grow and, Age Old organic Bloom. I assume the AOGrow would be best (12-6-6).
But how would i go about giving it to them? The clones are in a 50 slot tray, in RapidRooter sponges (sitting with water underneath), under a...
Hey, I have had 5 white widdow clones under a humidity lid for about 5-6 days. I used Dip N Grow rooting hormone and placed the little guys into those spongy insert rooting things.
I'm trying to promote some rootgrowth and I've discovered that the one plant showing the strongest roots looks...