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  1. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    How long to pass this drug test?

    Thanks everyone, I lucked out and didn't have to test after all. Easiest way to pass!:dunce:
  2. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    Thanks for wishing me luck, hopefully I won't need it

    Thanks for wishing me luck, hopefully I won't need it
  3. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    How long to pass this drug test?

    Thanks, before these few days that I smoked, I hadn't smoked in years, so I'm hoping maybe it'd take a little bit to build up enough THC in my system to register on the test. Your friend that passed in a week definitely smoked a lot more than I dis.
  4. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    How long to pass this drug test?

    So I don't usually smoke, but I smoked three times in 4 days, just like 2 bong hits each time(that's about all it takes for me, sad I know) I'm a fair amount overweight and may have the possibility of a drug test coming up. Any idea on how long it'll take for me to be clean? Not saying when it...
  5. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    I love when Republicans talk about how gold is the only real currency. It really lets the uber-paranoid, apocalypse awaiting, T-Rat addicted survivalist junkie shine through. They know that when the Ruskies nuke us because Obammy wasn't tough on terrorism like Bushie(i.e. first terrorist...
  6. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    Obama found a family willing to sell their son's honor

    I wouldn't hold your breath, Republican statements don't need pesky things like sources or facts. Take for example anything said by their favorite actress-turned-politician Sarah Palin!! .
  7. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Homegrown, you are obviously seriously confused on where your political opinion stands. Although a few of the things you agree with ARE Liberal causes, lowering corporate taxes and cutting spending on social programs are definitely right wing causes. If I had to guess I'd say your a...
  8. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Dude, you are seriously retarded. You have 4 consecutive posts where all you did is call people stupid. I bet your another Lefty trying to fool everyone, because there's no way even a Republican could really be posting as many factless disjointed wannabe insults as you can. Let's see some...
  9. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    God of the Left

    I love how anytime a celebrity says anything liberal it's discredited. The "God Of The Right" was an actor too-if your not sure, check my screenname. As far as protecting rapists, I don't think the left has come out to defend that guy any more than anyone else. If the victim wants the case...
  10. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Luckily, there's a place conservatives can call home. Where religion comes first, government is small, enterprise is free, taxes are low, gun rights are protected and "socialists" aren't tightening their grip on society. It's called Somalia, and you can go there whenever you're ready. If you...
  11. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    OK, so if there was a priest in a porn forum, and they were on there trying to get pictures of little boys, wouldn't people pick out the ridiculousness immediately? Oops, bad analogy. If someone started a thread typing does any of you conservatives have the big enuf brain too debate me? people...
  12. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    No shit, there shaking in there boots, as well they should be. After years of stealing from the poor to pay the rich, their monopoly is gonna end. Burn 'em Obama, suck it Regressives!
  13. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    You a Hunter S. Thompson fan by chance?

    You a Hunter S. Thompson fan by chance?
  14. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

    I did a little research, and wasn't able to find any evidence that they were scripted. Maybe Fox News said this? And like I said, EVEN if the debates were scripted, if America gave two shits about the Republican message(besides the undereducated, backwoods inbreeding-friendly states that tend to...
  15. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

    The debates are scripted? Fucking please!! I have serious doubts if that dusty old fart McCain and retarded sidekick Palin could have won ANY of their debates you'd be saying that. If they were scripted, and the conservative message was worth a shit, then McCain and Palin should have been...
  16. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    First Smoke In A Few Years...

    I hear ya, from what I've seen most people that are into hard drugs don't smoke the MJ, and my feeling is it's definitely better for you than the other junk, and probly not as bad for you as alcohol too, I'm guessing... I don't think people are dieing of cirrhosis from smoking weed:mrgreen:
  17. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    That's hilarious dude, I'm a long haul truck driver, and I go through Hokie country on I-81...

    That's hilarious dude, I'm a long haul truck driver, and I go through Hokie country on I-81 fairly often(nice area). I always try to figure out which VA signs are for Virginia, and which are for Veterans Affairs offices. Looks like I had the same prob with your screen name! Thanks and get to...
  18. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

    I love how people think Obama asks the fed to print money. The fed chair is appointed, their term lasts longer than 4 years(and in this case is a conservative apointee) and most important he's not answerable to the potus. Thats why the Fed needs to be drowned in the bathtub(and yes I am a...
  19. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    Thats what I always say, keep it to less than once a month, and you're never going to get hooked and probably keep from messing yourself up too bad. I know a few people that are fiends and it's real sad to see, you know they'll never be the same again:(
  20. ThisJoints4URonaldReagan

    What part of VT you in? I'm in CT, been up there skiing and for work occasionally. really nice...

    What part of VT you in? I'm in CT, been up there skiing and for work occasionally. really nice state, but I hear living there can get pricey