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  1. W

    Serves them right...

    this happened a really long time ago haha. still cracks me up though. those lightweights can't even eat an oz :joint:
  2. W

    do you think it will survive?

    well i'm sure it will grow! you'll get better results with a controlled setting though, with controlled PH levels and nutrients. I tried growing a seed by just watering in my younger days and they didn't do too hot but hey they grew.
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    i have a plant right know, i don't really know what to make of it. the one plant of its genetics i flowered is the densest dankest buds in my whole crop. it had honest to god trics at 2 weeks veg growth as well. the plant is SO intensely bushy that i have a hard time getting any really clones...
  4. W

    do you think it will survive?

    its a weed, it should grow in spite of you! with proper care and nutrients though i'm sure it will produce bud :) theres plenty of info on this site to go by, i've been growing for over a year and this site has proven a valuable source of info
  5. W

    how long before clones can recieve full light?

    all my clones are under a single warm white 40 watt florescent, and a cool white 20 watt florescent. Intense light is never recommended from what i've heard!!! one or two floros is PLENTY for clones . i try to keep the base of the clone dome warm, and its best to keep the clones in a highly...
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    Morally Wrong?

    IMO it is morally wrong for anyone to try to impose upon someone else something based entirely off their opinion and nothing more. Unless someone can come up with a better reason that "being high is wrong" than i don't see whats so bad about taking a little toke break to relax the nerves. Its...
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    Light Didnt Turn Off! AAARRRGGGHHHH

    i hate giving advice, because i'm really no expert. but from what i've heard, you can get some better yields by giving the plants longer daylight hours, as long as the 12 hours of darkness is maintained it sohuld be fine . FROM WHAT I'VE HEARD heh, i've never tried it. almost everyone swears by...
  8. W

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    all of a sudden people want to play GTA 4!?! lol hit ME up with a game of that shit haha. thats some seriously impressive dank there though for your first grow bud. i just read every post in this journal. my first grow wasn't nearly that epic, maybe harvested 1.5 OZ. (probably not bad though...
  9. W

    Light Didnt Turn Off! AAARRRGGGHHHH

    IMO the best thing to do would be to give them 12 hours of darkness, even after the heavy lighting period. Its the 12 hours of darkness that causes the plant to flower, not the 12 hours of light. i know of some people who actually grow using a 20hours on, 12 hours off cycle., on that note, due...
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    Veg-Flower-ReVeg Question??

    i'm no true expert, but i'm sure your plants will be fine going back to vegetative stage as mine were when i did the same thing. i've taken a few clones from flowering plants (3 weeks flowering) and they all worked fine, as well all the clones i took off the plants that i started flowering then...
  11. W

    Busted 4 days after 420

    man that REALLY sucks. /quote : "The idea that anybody would grow this stuff... it's a nuisance, it's a real nuisance," said Brigham. "Because you gotta look after the plant." the idea of the sophisticated equipment is so that its not hard to look after the plant ^.^ your neighbor is a HUGE douche
  12. W

    Plants in Canada

    Its even on wikipedia. 1in3 homes in BC is a grow op, and noone seems to care. it brings in revenue for the province, so they don't enforce the laws.
  13. W

    What is the most weed tolerant place to live?

    Yeah i would believe it, I live in western canada and i've been pulled over by cops right after smoking a blunt. all they did was give me a $50 ticket for not wearing a seat belt :S which was why they pulled me over to start (at the time they just put new seatbelt laws into effect so they we're...
  14. W

    Who grows the Best Canada or USA?

    Home here in Canada definately, BC Bud is primo, though Cali's is not far off.
  15. W

    My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine

    Looks like something could be wrong there... how often are they getting watered, how far away is the light and whats the temp in there? Is the water PH'd? Half strength nutes? Clip dying leaves sparingly, take just the dead part off... half a leaf works just fine. Is this your first grow?
  16. W

    Small changes can make such a BIG difference...

    Please tell me these aren't grown from seed... I don't think they're mature enough yet for flowering... They're pretty small. They've been growing a month? They're mature when they stop growing symmetrical. I'm not exactly sure what will happen when you flower them so young, but I'm pretty sure...
  17. W

    is it possible

    Its slow, and the buds are fluffy, but yes its possible, and still creates smokable weed. 400W of fluorescents creates more heat than a 500w hps, so you'll need more ventilation. Don't spend too much on the floros, you'll get an HPS soon after anyways.
  18. W

    Ebb & Flow Drain

    So I've completed my first soil grow, and have decided to jump right into hydroponics because I hate having to water them. I've made a table out of 2x4s and plywood, and a 2x6 rim. It will be lined with a few layers of heavy duty poly, the only thing I'm trying to figure out is the drain. The...
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    Nutes - how often?

    i'm wondering if adding nutes every week is enough or should it be done more/less often. assuming somewhat correct ratios of nutes or being used for each stage, i'm juts unclear on how often to apply
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    Nutes - how often?

    just wondering approx how often a sog plant in a 4 inch pot might need nutes? how often during veg, early flower and late flower?