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  1. snark009

    Buy Low, Sell High

    haha for sure but seriously...? i was thinking maybe some sort of electronics like laptops etc?
  2. snark009

    Buy Low, Sell High

    Recently I've been unsatisfied with my current income and I have been considering using the 'buy low, sell high' method on craigslist or another type of site. I have heard of people doing this with cars but I do not have enough initial capital to invest. Does anyone have any recommendations of...
  3. snark009

    Pre-built Grow Box... How do you think this one looks?

    I suppose you're right. Can you point me in the direction of some good DIY plans for this type of grow box?
  4. snark009

    Pre-built Grow Box... How do you think this one looks?

    I have completed several outdoor grows and am now looking to get indoor. However, I have been strapped for money so I am not currently able to purchase a $600-$1000+ setup. I found this grow box on ebay that to me looks alright to grow a few lowryders in until I can save up the money to purchase...
  5. snark009

    Decriminalization YES!...PROP 19 NO!

    I'm voting yes. Honestly, I could care less about prices rising or falling, taxation, grow spaces, big business, quality or any of this other bullshit. As long as Prop 19 allows me to grow my own for personal consumption, there is no need to worry about the business side of it. I'll get all my...
  6. snark009

    Could Hot Weather Be To Blame?

    First off, I have been growing four plants (LA Confidential, Blue Dream, GDP, Super Silver Haze) outdoors on my spa patio which is surrounded by white walls. They had been growing nicely and three had begun to flower (except LA Confidential). Anyway, recently on most of my plants, I have...
  7. snark009

    Do you tip a delivery service?

    There are several MMJ delivery services around me that advertise free delivery. I have been wanting to try this, but I am not sure if a tip is expected or not. Will I seem rude if I don't tip?
  8. snark009

    days getting shorter... flowering nutes?

    As of June 21, Summer has begun and the days are beginning to get shorter. Up until now, I have been fertilizing my plants with veg nutrients. Should I now switch to flowering nutes, or if not now, when?
  9. snark009

    Feeding every water instead of every other

    hell yea its expensive. i just want to know if the plants uptake and efficiently use all the nutrients they get when I feed them every time though. You say it is a waste.. how so?
  10. snark009

    Feeding every water instead of every other

    The instructions on the FF Grow Big/Tiger Bloom say to feed every other watering. However, during this grow (outside) I have been fertilizing every time I water (which is every 3 or so days). My plants are doing great with no signs of nute burn at all. Should I continue to fertilize every...
  11. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    ok well great then :] problem solved, ill snip off the buds, feed her nitrogen and hope for the best. From what I've heard, SSH is a very hardy plant and can deal with a lot of our n00b shit. If anything, she'll be my 'experiment' plant; I have other beauties that are doing just fine ;] Ah man...
  12. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    But the buds that are there are barely buds at all, they're not even close to being ripe, the hairs are still completely white and there is hardly any bud mass. Are you advocating that I go ahead and cut off all the buds anyway and wait for the plant to reveg and flower again for my real...
  13. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    It is doing just that actually. What does this mean in the long run? Also, what are the actual chances of it turning hermie on me if I let it attempt to reveg? Sorry for all the questions guys, I just keep thinking of new things to ask
  14. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    I would take clones but as you can see, there are not many places to take cuttings off of; it's just one large cola with a few, already budding branches near the bottom. I guess I am most afraid of it hermie-ing and 'infecting' the rest of my girls. I'll move it into an area that receives less...
  15. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    I suppose I could place it in an area that receives less light such as under a tree or somewhere with lots of shadows. Would that help it continue its flower cycle even though the days are still getting longer? The plant is big enough, I would expect an ounce or two dry weight if it continues to...
  16. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    Normally I get pretty quick, helpful responses. I could really use some of those right now. I'm not quite sure what actions to take with this plant. I want my SSH to grow larger, but I want to know what will happen to the buds that have/are already formed(ing). Any insight would be wonderful, I...
  17. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    bA bumppppp
  18. snark009

    Early Stage (Male or Fem?)

    it's hard, if not impossible to tell from this pictures. you just have to look for the white hairs at the nodes. it could be too early
  19. snark009

    Revegging Questions

    So around mid-March, I picked up a Super Silver Haze clone from my local dispensary. Because I moved it from indoors to outdoors so early in the season, the plant decided to flower early. I feel that lately the plant has begun to attempt to re-veg. Normally i would view this as a good thing, but...
  20. snark009

    Moving location --> Less Sun...

    Currently I have my plants in the perfect spot in my backyard where they are getting the most light all day long. However, they are getting conspicuously large and my parents are worried about the neighbors or other people seeing them. Even though I do have a medical card, they want me to move...