Search results

  1. Stealth Predator

    Johnny cash!!

    I can't stress it enough...any stoner without a collection of Johnny Cash is lost in all oblevity with no hope forever eternally lost. ok just kidding. johnny cash is some good tunes man. just check out myspace for your music man almost every artist with every album they ever created for free...
  2. Stealth Predator

    Side lighting and other rubbish

    Ughghgh...CFL!...and one plant at a time man. :sleep: ok maybe two.
  3. Stealth Predator

    size/light question

    CFL! I have totally lost interest in hi sodiums and halides man. winter ='s cfls:summer ='S The great outdoors man. You can get a 250 watt CFL, which is the most powerful cfl i have seen and is a lot easier to work with than HOT lamps. CFLs still get hot but are a shitload more manageable than...
  4. Stealth Predator


    Dude...Use em! Aint nothin wrong with styrofoam except when people throw it out their window, which could make a nice home for a bug or sumthin but still...dont litter. lol peace!
  5. Stealth Predator

    The Acacia strain

    Acacia! what are you tryin to lose weight! Try strawberry cough X blueberry. I dont know?
  6. Stealth Predator

    Oppressed Warrior

    Thanks Dj...Nice to see ya!
  7. Stealth Predator

    Oppressed Warrior

    New man fresh meat for the forums. I would love to join this new habitat. I am an opressed grower, i have a wealth of grow juice and yet i cannot grow. some day i hope to join in on the fun but for now im just looking for a cool spot to root a plant next spring. hope i can swim with the sharks...