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  1. D

    Can you tell if its female?

    alright ill get a better cam... Also I have these 3 pics here do you notice anything wrong with them? One fan leave had like a purplish tinge in it
  2. D

    Can you tell if its female?

    yea sorry they were taken on my cell phone
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    Can you tell if its female?

    Can you guys tell if this is a female? Also why are the stems purple?
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    Micro/PC Growers Thread - A place to exchange pics, knowledge, and advice.

    Here are some more pics from my growbox. Any idea if its a female yet?
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    Micro/PC Growers Thread - A place to exchange pics, knowledge, and advice.

    Here are a few pictures of my plant at 20 days from seed under 24-0... Any ideas when I should change it to 12/12? How much taller once I do change it over will the plant grow? I also have a few pics of my HPS setup there as well.. Any idea if this an indica or a sativa?
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    Taco bell

    So i'm not sure whats going on here this is my first grow. Its a PC box using a 75W hps. Any help would be great. Thanks
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    Micro/PC Growers Thread - A place to exchange pics, knowledge, and advice.

    Heres a better pic of my setup and where the grow is happening haha look at all that light :P can someone tell me whats happening to my plant here? the leave look like there turning into a taco :(
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    New from Toronto, Ontario

    Hey guys i'm new on the site from Toronto. I just started a micro PC grow box... Wish me luck :)
  9. D

    First Grow, using a PC box and a 75W hps

    Hey guys this is my first grow and im doing a stealth one in a PC box.