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  1. I

    I have a male dont I

    ok see where i circled and how some of it is different color like a bud is growing
  2. I

    I have a male dont I

    u sure its male for sure??
  3. I

    I have a male dont I

    look where i circled in this pic its a different color like a bud is growing and the surrounding leaves are green
  4. I

    I have a male dont I

    heres some pics tell me now if its a male so i can kill the bastard:cuss:
  5. I


    hey wats up guys just need a lil help at the top of my plant is that a bud growing?? ill circle wat im talking about in pics
  6. I

    ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

    so month and a half from wat u see from my the pics opf my plant i should veg for a couple more weeks need the advice wat would u do this is my first time grow
  7. I

    ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

    and how do u guys think my plants doing?
  8. I

    ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

    ok thanks so how long do u usually stay in the veg stage on average?
  9. I

    ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

    yeai i know u cant smoke males and its not showing any signs??
  10. I

    ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

    ok cool thanks when do u think i should start flowering heres more pics plant is about 8 inches and some change
  11. I

    ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

    hey wats goin on guys i am getting the great wonderful weed smell off the plant is that a sign of being a female cause my friend had a male and it didnt give off anysmell unless u touched it and smelled ur fingers and putting some pics up and update and i have an area on the plant circled can u...
  12. I

    Update couple weeks into veg

    just an update and to see wat everyone else thinks and if there's anything you guys see that i should change thanks:bigjoint:
  13. I

    New and shit

    and are u serious its a fucking forum
  14. I

    New and shit

    well u are a dick
  15. I

    New and shit

    and using the 2700 only working pretty well so far
  16. I

    New and shit

    yea i have moved the lights alot closer and they arent reaching anymore and i got 4 2700 that all i got kinda doing this without any money and i read u could use watever cfls if u dont have the choose so ima see how it plays out here are more recent pics taken today 24 on zero off
  17. I

    New and shit

    hey wats up guys just need some advise and to see if there anything else icould do to do better job and attaching pics so hopfully u will see thanks fer the help using 4 cfl 2700 , 24/0
  18. I

    Cfl grow can you experts help me out

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  19. I

    Cfl grow can you experts help me out
  20. I

    Cfl grow can you experts help me out

    hey wats up guys first time grow using 3 2700 cfls and here are some pics of my grow space and plants in veg state they are about 2 weeks can u guys give me some advace and shit