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  1. L

    Salvia, Is it....?

    It's easy as hell to grow though right?
  2. L

    Salvia, Is it....?

    I dunno I've read some the effects and it sounds crazy as hell. Uncontrollable laughter Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces Merging with or...
  3. L

    Salvia, Is it....?

    From experience?
  4. L

    Salvia, Is it....?

    I heard Salvia is not only the safest trip but also smoked like weed and only takes 1 hit. It doesn't cause lung dmg as far as people know and can be grown right outside with no special equipment. Also heard it was "the strongest hallucinogen known to man." What's true and what's false? bongsmilie