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  1. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    I'm going for seedless buds this go around, so I'll be chucking ALL the males that pop up. I have a friend who's got a rather large mother plant who's willing to give me a few clones once my lowryder experiments are done, I still have 4 seeds left after these ones are done as well so I should...
  2. J

    1st AG Grow, Lowryder #2, root slime/rot. HELP!!!

    I've read that h2o2 works well, and you can get it anywhere. I just picked up a bottle at the corner store.
  3. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    alright, sounds good. I think with the mylar cover, a few reflectors , 1-2 more cfls and a bulb replacement to all soft white my grow will be great! Thanks for the help and ill get some more pics posted in a few days.
  4. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    oh I forgot to mention what nutes im using. 3 part higrow nute out... its the same thing as general hydro micro bloom grow 3 part system just made locally .
  5. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    thanks for the input guys, Im thinking in a few days when I have more cash around I might pick up a few of those blankets, they would also be good to use as liner for the reflectors I want to make to use on the extra cfls. what bulbs are best to have? I have two soft white( which look kinda...
  6. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    So I've found a new home for the bunch just need to actually do the move.... Im not pleased but that's life I suppose. On a good note I've sorta figured out a way to cool the water down. I've added a funnel filled with nute ice cubes. it slowly drips into the res, its not near any roots and...
  7. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    bad news, one of the people living in my house came to me and basicallly said I gave to get rid of them... Relocation is my only option ill take a pic of their new home once I figure out where it is.
  8. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    I have a ph test kit for aquariums it seems to be doing an alright job. it's a bit hard to tell the exact difference between tjhe shades of orange though. The stems seems to be less purple after a larger dose of nutes than I gave them last week. Found one more male, took him out of the...
  9. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    no input? nice
  10. J

    2nd try White Rhino AG CFL Grow ***Help welcome***

    Good luck man I'm 5 weeks into my first grow with the aerogarden and Ive been having problems figuring out how to get my hoses in and out of the ag without letting to much light in, I'm going to steal your duct tape idea :D
  11. J

    Diesel Ryder Grow

    I've been growing some diesel ryder plants for the past 5 weeks. They're doing good so far Ive had a problem with nute burn and now I think I'm having a problem with mg def. My stems are turning a bit purple and a few of the older leaves turned yellow over night. Here's a fw pics of my set...
  12. J

    turning aerogarden pump off?

    First pic is the inside of the garden with the two 7 inch air stones Ive added and the second is a view of my whole closet.
  13. J

    turning aerogarden pump off?

    no sprayers or anything like that, I bought the veggie pro from aerogarden. Seems to be one of the only ones that doesn't have the pump everyone was talking about. ill take a pic and post it later I need someone to lift tje plants out of the way before I take a pic.
  14. J

    turning aerogarden pump off?

    I've taken it appart twice now, if there is another pump its hidden somewhere. and doesnt have any sort of tubing or antthing else. Just an air stone and pump that camewith it... Thanks..
  15. J

    turning aerogarden pump off?

    Turns out that I have a model of the aerogarden that only has a pump with an airstone and I don't need to turn anything off. Thanks for the help guys
  16. J

    leova's CFL Wal-Mart Grow

    I should have just posted herr in the first place instead of making my own thread! thanks for the airstone advice. just another quick question, is 2 7inche airstones and the ag one enough?
  17. J

    First time grower attempting Aerogarden

    I found my plants getting the same spots I layed off the nutes for a bit and the spots stopped getting worse. Not sure though ,im on my first grow too.
  18. J

    leova's CFL Wal-Mart Grow

    I read earlier in your post that you turned off the aerogarden pump to provent root rot Im wondering why im supposed to turn it off it seems to be helping.. I only fill my aerogarden about half full so my sponges don't seem to be over wet no mold or anything..but even if I did turn it off the...
  19. J

    turning aerogarden pump off?

    still wondering why im supposed to turn it off it seems to be helping.. I only fill my aerogarden about half full so my sponges don't seem to be over wet no mold or anything..but even if I did turn it off the air stone would still bubble the water and wet the sponges...
  20. J

    turning aerogarden pump off?

    then why turn off the aerogarden pump? I have a 5 inch air stone and the aerogarden one repositioned. the water is moving a lot, lots of bubbles ahaha. I've just read several posts that say to turn off the aerogarden stone and pump but it seems to do the same as the air stone I purchased.