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  1. ruby6666

    first grow - how are they looking

    i havent got much room as i'm using the aerogarden pro, 12" is all i have to play with, so ive been tying them down and they probably got a bit too much pruning, the two i pulled were the biggest but i thought they were males so i pulled them, 4 in the ag was too many aswell, they are bigger...
  2. ruby6666

    Question On ppm's

    u to hun,,,,,,,,,,,
  3. ruby6666

    Question On ppm's

    forgot to say the res, have a jug of water that u have mixed the nutes up in and just top it up as u go, u will need to do it daily once they go into flower but i think i only filled it once a week in veg, but the bigger they get the thirstier they get, so check every day. but i have only...
  4. ruby6666

    Question On ppm's

    Hi hun, i didn't really worry about ppm, or the ph, i used the aerogarden nutes, my tap water is about 7.5 to 8, once the nutes go in it goes down to 6, but my ph tester starts at 6, just go with the flow hun, there not that hard to grow.
  5. ruby6666

    Question On ppm's

    what are u growing in
  6. ruby6666

    first grow - how are they looking

    Well i'm almost 3 months in, been in flower for about a month, is this what they are supposed to look like??
  7. ruby6666

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    wow, i havent been on for a while, very busy on facebook haha. she looks amazing,
  8. ruby6666

    Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

    ok this might sound like a dumb question but thought i should check. i'm just getting the sex of my plants,so am going to pull the males, can i use these
  9. ruby6666

    3 leaf plant

    oh, i dont want that
  10. ruby6666

    Bag seed( from mid grade bud) grow

    so far so good, i'm pretty much growing the same, day 66
  11. ruby6666

    3 leaf plant

    it is a bit bigger now, but i'm using an ag so i have to keep it small or short, i'll see if i can get an upated pic, u might be able to tell me what to cut
  12. ruby6666

    3 leaf plant

    my first grow so dont know anything about cloning. i will start researching it, how long do i have to clone it if its just starting to flower now, or does it not matter when u take it?
  13. ruby6666

    How does my plant look? 8 weeks

    just read ur thread lol, what did u start? i think she looks beautiful, great pics
  14. ruby6666

    3 leaf plant

    just an update, she is a she, here's her pic, this was a week or so ago
  15. ruby6666

    good place to order seeds

    depends where u live.
  16. ruby6666

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    so which thread am i following, this one or the nuts. you havent been updating nuts. wish i had a better idea about what the males look like, i'm thinking the other 2 prob are ccos i dont see females pink bits lol
  17. ruby6666

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    i might have some tomorrow, but they havent changed much
  18. ruby6666

    lighting for germination

    decide on when u want ur lights on ie, day or night. day is better cos no-one sees ur lights on at night. so turn them on early in the morning and off at what ever times u are doing. i did mine at 18/6, saves power. doesn't matter when u planted them just put them under lghts when it morning, imo
  19. ruby6666

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    2 actually. so far i'v got 2 girls out of 4. :clap: They are called bealzibud, she has 3 heads, and Tinkerbud. Yay, my three leaf plant was a girl, i'm guessing the other 2 will be boys, i swear testicles are the root of all evil, rofl. hope i work it out soon. r u growing in dirt too, u...