This is a very easy cheap method by Rob---click here-->
Props to rob for taking the time to make a simple tutorial with pics
Dp my mrs lol, I jus caught on...
Anyways share wot u know brother being that "how to outdoor" keeps getting asked being the season is coming up..
So how do you grow a plant in the bush start to finish? Dig a hole and plonk a clone in it? Prepare the hole first and let it breakdown for how long...
Fermentedsocks and eviltofu, geez riu must be running out of knicks lol
FS- hey man no worries, I'm glad that you got use out of the info,
I'm a silent type myself and I lurked for a long time 2 just so happens I've got a few post's now though lol
ET- yeh a couple of off topic posts, no...
Deficiency Noobs!! READ FIRST.
i read soo many problems that all relate to the same thing!!
Which is nute lockout/deficiencies. Now any plant food worth its space on a hydro shelf will have everything your plant needs. So when u have these 'deficiencies' showing up, its rare that the plant is...
thats more then likely a mag problem..
due to lockout caused by low pH probably cos ur nutes should have plenty of mag..
So keep ur pH steady, prob better to invest in a bigger res.
If ur using RO water then invest in some cal/mag BUT dont do this until ur sure that wot ur using is low in Mag...
DONT WORRY about pH run-off, its BS. its a documented fact.
its all about wot goes in, not wot comes out..
i know this for a fact cos i tried it myself, i was testing the runoff (plants were growing great) and it was off so i lowered the pH and locked out Mag, soo... i dont bother testing...
yeh... u cant be pre-schooled (as in pre-taught) how to grow, u can get some pointers and the bare facts but u cant have it all.. u need to learn by experience, t-rust me,.. u need to spend a little, build a little, germ a little, spend a little more, work out that u didnt need that so u just...
heya bruh...
yeh im all good.. some security/paranoia issues so i didnt complete the journal BUT i have a camera full of pics at home right now that i took last night, i havnt been able to get any pics thus far bcos of circumstances, but anyways ill let u know wen i post 'em,.. there fat as hell...
I have been looking at seed banks for high quality seeds and was wondering what are your opinions on the MOST potent strains of weed you have grown and smoked.
The strains that have peeked my interest are: