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  1. O

    First Time Grow

    Don't clip any buds, sometimes it can help if you sacrifice some lower branches to give more energy to your top buds. And What I said was take away some of the fan leaves on the top to get more light to the bottom. Do whatever you want the plant looks awesome.
  2. O

    please check this out....

    buy a ph meter and some ph up and ph down, 6.4 ph is what you are looking for for dirt.
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    please check this out....

    If you dont see webs or spots or tiny little bugs, you don't have mites. You do have a hurt looking plant but the new growth on the very top looks okay, chop those singed leaves off and let the new growth come out, your plant may bounce back some. good luck
  4. O

    First Time Grow

    Nice, keep on doing whatever you are doing, looking good. Maybe prune some of the lower branches off, and some of the fan leaves up top to get more light to the bud sites.
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    So, the first two pics look like heat stress. The third and sixth look like bugs, anything that causes spots or holes is usually a bug. The picture of the dead fan leaf is just that, a dead fan leaf. Don't worry about leaves that are no longer on your plant. If you see a leaf on your plant...
  6. O

    12/12 interruptable?

    Hello, This is somewhat related. I am flowering 12/12 and need to switch the lights so they are on at night when it is cooler out. Will this hurt my plants? I intend to give them an extra cycle of dark, 24 hours and then turn them on tomorrow night. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks Thorman
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    Read This First!

    Hello, I believe that my plants are experiencing nutrient burn. Look at my pics and tell me what you think. I am keeping my res at 1800ppm. One of the plants is doing fine and has shown no signs of this problem. The picture of the smaller leaf, I thought may be a different problem, like...
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    2 weeks old plant problem..

    Sounds like you overwatered. A good rule of thumb for any potted plant is to water every other day or so. You want to allow the new roots of the plant to get oxygen as well as water. As the plant gets bigger, you will water less often but larger amounts each time. The root system of a larger...
  9. O

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    How many lights would you run over the top of this flower unit? Hps or led? I am thinking of spending a little extra and going for the led. What do you think?