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  1. kittenbeater

    Doing 2C-E this weekend. Any suggestions on what to do?

    hahaha im a dedicated stoned from the northeast not the south.
  2. kittenbeater

    Welcome New Members!

    hi, i am trying to grow my own plants. i have a few of them allready going good so far but no telling how long they will last. i used dirt from my compose pile in my backyard and have them in pots that drain from the bottom. they are tall and need to be supported by sticks. any advice or...
  3. kittenbeater

    Doing 2C-E this weekend. Any suggestions on what to do?

    i went shopping last time i dropped E. i stayed in the store for 2 hours and had a giant cartload of food and talked to a ton of people i didnt know. lol it was fun though
  4. kittenbeater

    Whats your favorite Drug combination??

    my favorite combo is a purple haze blunt with hash and dank weed and some shrooms.