Search results

  1. W

    Homemade smoking devices

    screw all this nonsense... i think i may have found what i need (of course just after i posted that long ramble)... for $28 plus S&H. Manufacturers page: Cheapest in-stock seller...
  2. W

    Homemade smoking devices

    Thats kind of what i figured (price). i've looked high and low for a cheap inline pump, but the closest i found was from edmund scientific ( it was about $50... and it still didn't have the pumping cappacity i wanted (and although it...
  3. W

    Homemade smoking devices

    ok, i have a help request. i need to find a water pump that pumps 1-5 G.P.M. (60-300 G.P.H.), will be able to transport at least 1 foot up in elevation, and has an inlet & outlet tube (so no submersible pumps). i need something kinda cheap though... i'll even cannabalise (hehe) something to get...