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    If God was a Grasshopper. An Interview.

    KlosetKing Lol, damn. I truly hope you get a sense of humor. Oh wait, the prerequisite is still a brain. Hey, like your money says: "In God we trust" Now go spend it on some weed and shut the fuck up.
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    Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk

    How is it that every one here will watch the tely tonight and there will be 5000 commercials wasting your valued time and yet if some one knocks on your door or gives you a pamphlet you freak out???? I think that is funny. As far as homosexuality goes, I think the Christians are doing exactly...
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    Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk

    Note: this is a spiritual debate and is not intended for children or of like mind. Respect Respect Respect. Serious religious debate only. If it's posted here, it is a serious question that is on someones mind. No bashing! Please note that it is a crime to falsify information on...
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    If God was a Grasshopper. An Interview.

    Ok people before you flame me too hard for the stupidity of this post, please note this: it was all the brain child of webb107 You wanted a Grasshopper God and you got one! :-P Interviewer...
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Balzac89 Ha ha, you're killing me! Literally! Some one call the fucking cops already!!!!!!!!
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Green Inferno You are on. When I have more time, lets start a thread and have a REAL talk. It would be fun.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Dominathan You don't have to like some one to learn from them.
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    What Is The Fruit Of The Word of God?

    ChubbySoap Right, because atheist, and not Christians are the ones helping preserve life in the world. Oops. got that wrong. It's the Christians doing all the work. Here is a link to what Christians are doing to help in Japan. I help by giving money to my church relief fund and I...
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Johnnyorganic If you leave, it's a good day indeed. Maybe the technology before you is just too intimidating.... It was made by intelligent design.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    robert 14617 Jesus wasn't soft on the pharisees or the scribes. He wasn't soft on his own disciples when they acted contrary to GOD.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Johnnyorganic You must be a FREE THINKER. I wonder how many people died of AIDS thanks to the promiscuous women that call them selves FREE THINKERS. I wonder how many people passed AIDS to one another because they didn't believe in the BIBLE, and engaged in premarital sex. Does the...
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Windsblow And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Windsblow I guess technically the troll can own the bridge he lives under. At least in this country he can. The world wide web is not a continent or country. in·ter·net/ˈintərˌnet/ An international computer network providing e-mail and information...
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    upthearsenal How to tell you're an atheist: Your opinions always change, but not the fact that you are right.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Windsblow My name is not Silly. But if I am a troll then what are you? Because you came to MY thread.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    robert 14617 Jesus formed a quorum of 12 apostles that he directed to teach. By these 12 people the church of Jesus Christ was established. This was the beginning of Christianity. Jesus = Christianity Jews = Judaism History of Christianity: A Faith Based on Historical Fact History of...
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Windsblow Ha ha... good one! I don't label my self because your church and every other religion out there was not around when Jesus walked the earth. So if I follow Jesus Christ, why would I label my self as a religious sect that didn't exist when Jesus formed the church. I didn't put a...
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL Drew4312 No, atheist that believe in ghost but not GOD are the dumbest thing you have ever heard... because that just makes no sense.
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Crexonz What evidence are you referring to? That pot is the kryptonite to your editorial skills? Or that the only time you got an A in spelling is when you accidentally spelled it with an a? FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!