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  1. daddy6976

    how do i know my plant is ready to put into flower??

    Agreed. alternating nodes are a for sure sign, I believe the real hairs form after. :)
  2. daddy6976

    Cops got me and my baby tonight....

    Im sorry about lack of details and mistakes in that last post. To clear it up...they thought he had stolen copper here and they wanted to search the place so my mom gave them consent, knowing they were getting in anyways, and the found the weed then the plant. They made a bigger spectacle about...
  3. daddy6976

    Cops got me and my baby tonight....

    So the reason they came is because he was fucked up on pills and was accused of stealing or trying to steal an ac reef. We live in apartments, so in texas, if you live in apartments and your deny search of your house as long as the prop manager is there (and she was..) they can search anyways...
  4. daddy6976

    Cops got me and my baby tonight....

    So my retarded ass brother was apparently doing something fucking stupid and caused the cops to come and search my apartment. They found her and a half. Class B misdemeanor. She was soooooo beautiful.. I was protesting the legality of weed the entire time. I let everyone of them know OUR views...
  5. daddy6976

    Legal Cocaine?

    thats what i said....if the price was better i could see the pros of it i guess, but as for a switch? nah If im gonna snort something thats not good for me it'll be the stuff that makes my face go numb. :P
  6. daddy6976

    Legal Cocaine?

    BLOW (mephedrone) THE most controversial of the drugs tested, Blow is supposed to be 'off the market'. As confirmed by our lab tests, it contains mephedrone, a component so new that the EU only became aware of its existence in 2008. A simple search on the internet for Blow reveals that...
  7. daddy6976

    Legal Cocaine?

    totally dogging it but i gotta say i dont think its too bad. lol unless i ive done worse for sure.
  8. daddy6976

    Legal Cocaine?

    here it is.....'new+cocaine'+--+and+it's+100pc+legal;+So-called+'head+shops'+are...-a0216867098
  9. daddy6976

    Legal Cocaine?

    no man. NO INGREDIENTS??? nothing on it except a lid that says concentrated bath salts idk man im about to find some links to something...
  10. daddy6976

    Legal Cocaine?

    Apparently they've done it all...i just heard about legal cocaine..correction...I just tried it. Anyone else tried this stuff out? You get it from Sandy Andy at your local store. lol. It comes in a small container and its called "Q Concentrated Bath Salt"
  11. daddy6976

    bag seed cfl grow

    Looks great man. but just so you know 2700k temp is better for flowering..not saying it isn't good but something to keep in mind.
  12. daddy6976

    Tell me how shes doing

    First grow went alright considering i knew nothing about growing when i first started. Since then I've expanded my knowledge A LOT. We only yielded a half ounce of dried bud, but it was AMAZING smoke. Since we didn't know the origin we called it "Miss Chievious" We moved and started a new crop...
  13. daddy6976

    Bud Problem

    Well said. It's a huge debate over soil vs. hydro. I personally believe with optimum knowledge and conditions an amazing plant could be grown equally between the two. But a great advantage to hydro is the shorter grow length so expect some weight a few weeks after his packed it on.
  14. daddy6976

    Bud Problem

    Is there any differences in your friends and your methods? (i.e. lighting, nutes..ect.) A WHOLE lot of elements can affect how a plant will turn out, even if it is the exact same strain from the same seed company. You said he was growing in a F&D hydroponic setup, which definitely could produce...
  15. daddy6976

    Do my plants look ok and healthy?

    Well I'm not going to say to get HPS since clearly you understand it would be better. However since you are using a 400 MH, weedsmoka and rabbogart are right, you need to get the light closer to the tops so they aren't as stretched. Also you could try topping them to keep them smaller and you...
  16. daddy6976

    Reflectors with CFLs?

    Right. Thanks. I think the curling is due to the ph fluctuation. It's been wild through the move, way unstable. I have to just do the CFL way of growing and move it every day to find suitable places for the light. Man I can't wait to have a HPS..
  17. daddy6976

    Reflectors with CFLs?

    So I've read not to use the metal kind of circular reflectors with CFLs because of heat and the ballast on the bulb. I have my reflector on it currently because I wanted to see how hot it gets, but to my surprise it isn't that hot. So what do you guys think? Other Cons? and also how can you get...
  18. daddy6976

    Second Grow!!!

    First grow went alright considering i knew nothing about growing when i first started. Since then I've expanded my knowledge A LOT. We only yielded a half ounce of dried bud, but it was AMAZING smoke. Since we didn't know the origin we called it :leaf:"Miss Chievious":leaf: We moved and started...
  19. daddy6976

    First grow.

    Ok I'm on a phone typing this now so clearly I can't post pics from here but I guess I'm just going try to get to a computer so I can retry this operation...