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    seed raising mix

    yeh but im sayin if theyre already in seedraising mix am i going to be able to grow a full grown plant out of it
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    seed raising mix

    This is seriously the fcuking lamest question ever but what is the difference between seed raising mix and soil? if i plant seeds in large pots full of seed raising mix is a full grown plant going to grow or is it lacking nutrients or something? thanks
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    anyone know where u can get that in Australia?
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    death is near :(
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    please help guys
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    what kind do u rekon? and what should i do?
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    looked at her one day and shes fine. look at her next and shes got holes all through her what is doing such a thing?:-(:finger::-( PLEASE HELP ME GUYS (note the white bits on the leaves are off a bush it is hidden amongst) I'd also really appreciate if any1 was able to tell me what kind of...
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    CFL to outdoor

    yeah it is, reaaaaaal nice weather at the moment aswell. my concern was going from 24 hour light to natural light. probly a stupid thing to do. really really hope it keeps vegging.
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    CFL to outdoor

    im from australia. prob is i heard the change in light cycle will cause it to flower and itll be like 20cm tall and budding.
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    indoor to outdoor

    hey fella thanks for the reply, the weather here is really nice at the moment about 27 degrees celcius and lovely sunny days. what i was concerned about was that it was under 24 hour CFL light and now its under natural light. I was wondering wether the change would make the plant flower at a...
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    indoor to outdoor

    hey guys if a plant goes from indoor to outdoor at a young age. will something bad happen to it because of the change of light cycles?
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    CFL to outdoor

    i thought someone would have an answer to this :(
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    CFL to outdoor

    sumwhere in the southern hemisphere and its spring actually lol
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    CFL to outdoor

    forgot to mention its summer where i live.
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    CFL to outdoor

    hey guys i have a small plant thats about 3 weeks old from seed that has been under CFL's its whole life. (24 light cycle) if it gets moved to outdoors will something bad happen to it due to the lighting change? thanks heaps i really need advice.
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    Extra security for your grow room

    depending on how much money u want to spend, there would be security companies that offer doors people woudn't be able to easily get into. that said, do u really want people walkng through ur house and seeing a steel door with deadlocks and a glowing light coming from under it, little obvious lol
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    130 watt foot long CFL

    how come i don't hear u guys talkin about these bad boys?
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    18 days old SW fem from seed CFL

    come to think of it, looks a little like the mulberry tree at my grandma's house :mrgreen: lol
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    grow box size

    hey fellow CFL'ers lol was just reading around and got confused once again about the size of grow boxes. atm i have an old treasure chest that is about 3 foot long 1.5 foot wide and 2 foot deep. with 1 plant in there a a few CFL's. but reading around on the internet it seems like its...
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    18 days old SW fem from seed CFL

    they're some biggg leaves lol the plant is just like 1 big leaf. i like