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  1. K

    250 Watt CFL grow

    Just wondering if you have any pics of how you hung those cfl's. I just picked up a few bulbs and am trying to figure it out. It,s good to know that they put off a lot of heat. I was gonna try no exhaust but I think I'll put one in.
  2. K

    Red dots appearing

    I've recently started to notice little red/orange dots showing up on my leaves. They are on top of the leaves and i can wipe them off but they dont smear or anything. Plants are 4 to 5 weeks into flowering. No pics right now hoping someone knows what I'm talking about. I'll try to get some pics...
  3. K

    LST noob question

    Can't really give you any experienced info but I'm LSTing my first plant and as the new branches sprout off the main stem I have been trying to train those to. Mainly just trying it to see if it helps get the new branches more into the light. So far it seems to be working. Hope that helps some...
  4. K

    Custom Cabinet w/ 250w CFL

    hey dopewear nice cabinet and good looking grow so far. gonna be checking in regularly. lots of good advice flying around. keep up the good work. subscribed.
  5. K

    CFL Mini Fridge Bagseed Micro Grow

    Whats up pattystaff. Looking real nice so far. Good job on the updates and picks, makes it easy to follow along. I'm a new grower too so I'm watchin yours closely. Keep up the good work. Subscribed.
  6. K

    Mollases Question

    thanks for all the quick response. i think im gonna stick with what i'm doing. seems to be working.
  7. K

    Mollases Question

    Ive read in lots of posts people using mollases in theyre grows. What are the benifits and what stage would u use it in. Right now im using a thrre stage flora bloom. do u add mollases to the mixture. Any help appreciated.:eyesmoke:
  8. K

    Welcome New Members!

    A CFL is a compact flourescent light. Its on of those spiral shaped high efficiency bulbs.
  9. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up every body. New to growing been reading up on this site. Great info. Figured I should say hi and thanks for all the great info so far. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions to follow.