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  1. Y

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    What a stupid cocksucker you are!!! Break the forum rules? And your faggot ass is talking about REAL violent and destructive acts. I know what I would do if you came into my home, but I ain't gonna sit here and brag about it. Fuck you fag. I'll insult your faggot ass anytime I fuckin' please...
  2. Y

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    This is the dumbest fuckin thread that I have EVER read...and I've read a lot of stupid threads. No wonder people hate cannabis users if you twits are a sampling of the users. Cut your losses friend, move on, and quit listening to these asswipes. You broke rule #1 - what was rule #1 again....???
  3. Y

    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    I agree 100% If this is your first grow, go with inorganics. A nitrogen ion is a nitrogen ion to your plants. It all has to be converted to nitrate nitrogen to be uptaked by the root system. Once you get experienced, and understand HOW plants grow, then go with organics.
  4. Y

    To Harvest or not to harvest>!?

    Patience is usally rewarded.