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  1. Dsallen1

    Clones (sorry for new thread didnt wanan hijack others though)

    Did anyone in here actually look at the cloning pictures?Mabey Drx " DRxHYDRO here's the thing bro you got no plant there, really!" When you snipped your plant you cut leaves off you didnt get the actual genetics of the plant held in the actual branches and center stalk. Also...
  2. Dsallen1

    Is this normal for clones? (see pics)

    which one of these is not like the others.....
  3. Dsallen1

    Normal for clones?

    HAhahaha, oh my god this thread. Okay so "the one in the back looks pretty fucked" hahahhaha wow. Those are dead, when you initially cut your plants you did't trim your leaves, did you cut your clones with a clean razor? You are supposed to have cut those sets of leaves so that the leaf...
  4. Dsallen1

    AEroponics 3 weeks into flower PPM?

    Not sure about the ppm reading, do you know signs of nute burn?
  5. Dsallen1

    water pump and sprayer question

    Wow great post fat man, very informative!
  6. Dsallen1

    New Aerogarden Deluxe Setup - Criticism, etc wanted

    your set up is the most rediculious looking thing I have ever seen. Get rid of the side lamps and the foil, turn on the aero garden light until the plant fills the size of the aerogarden. Don't butcher your plants too much and if in veg either of those light cycles would be great.
  7. Dsallen1

    Holly shit! I need all help people! I am gona get tested!

    I have read some information about this very topic recently as it was important to me that I get another job. Heres what I found out.. THC is stored in your fat cells and is released from them at a certain rate depending on the amount of fat that is being used by your body. So in response...
  8. Dsallen1

    New room - first grow with pics...

    Haha this set up is for the wife, I enjoyed reading this.