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  1. rollingrock

    any one know the cause

    would that be ok to do. it has only affected the fan leaves
  2. rollingrock

    any one know the cause

    think your onto something, i thought u could use ph up and down together???????
  3. rollingrock

    any one know the cause

    hi cruzer101 yep all in the space of 2 hours, (i forgot to zip the tent up and went back to do it then found them like this) if you look at pic 1 it has the brown rust on the edge and i would think it was nutt burn but cant see how when they have had only water for the last six days, gunna check...
  4. rollingrock

    any one know the cause

    i even thought of that but i have 2 rooted clones at the back of the tent about 2 foot from the light and these are even affected also the light is nearly 2ft abouve them
  5. rollingrock

    any one know the cause

    right i have 4 plants 3x swiss cheese and 1 pure power plant. withen 2 houres of watering i get this in the photo??? tap water temp of 70f, no nutrients, i added ph down then addad a drop of ph up to give the water a ph of 6.2. i never used ph up till now as i know how much ph down to use (added...
  6. rollingrock

    Yellowing upper leaves FLOWER 6th week

    back off the feed a little, BUT it is perfectly normal for plants to do this in the last couple of weeks, the buds are feeding off the leaves which are full of sugar that the plants need, you should start flushing for the next 2 weeks to get rid of any toxins that are stored, if this plant as a...
  7. rollingrock

    Sad Plant!

    4 1/2 foot is a big plant to put under a cfl light, it would be best under a 250w-400w hps, i have grown and flowerede under cfl's before and never had any good buds, they seem to be small and fluffy. go with a hps light if you can, i think the plant will be ok, infact why dont you use both...
  8. rollingrock

    can any one identify this problem

    how long did it take to correct this problem after adjusting the ph???
  9. rollingrock

    can any one identify this problem

    can any one else advise if it would defo be the ph or not
  10. rollingrock

    can any one identify this problem

    forgot to add that the coco is the fibre type not the bagged coco soil, so if i up the ph to around 6.5 or even 7 or is 7 to much???
  11. rollingrock

    can any one identify this problem

    so you saying its a nutt lockout do to ph being to low???
  12. rollingrock

    can any one identify this problem

    does anyone know what is causing this in the pics. its starting to effect nearly all my plants, leaves turn yellow then have the brown on the leaves, also the affected leaves start to dry, ph is 5.8 to 6. nutts are canna coco a+b and soil is canna coco soil, temp is 75deg at all times. added bio...
  13. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    seem to have run into a problem with 2 flowering plants??? the 2 in the dwc buckets are storming along but the 2 in coco are looking a bit sad, the leaves are cupping under makeing them look like very thin fingers, the temp is 75deg and no sign of nute burn, they are also turning a darker green...
  14. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    just had delivery of my plug in thermostat and 3ft tube heater, just tryed the heater to make sure it worked (you know what the delivery people can be like) and it works fine, left it on for half an hour and thermostat cuts off to what i set it at. dam do these things get hot and at less than...
  15. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    bingo, thanks snickelfrits, i was trying to do it from MY PROFILE PAGE, +rep to you
  16. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    hi snickelfrits done what you said so i will see what happens. here goes
  17. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    just added 5 blue cheese to the tent, they popped a couple of days ago, i will add pics and update the journal tonight. does anyone know how i add my journal to my signiture or even add a sig.
  18. rollingrock

    help with grow tent set up

    did you manage to set the tent up?????
  19. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    already orderd one of these, another poster gave me a link, thanks anyway, as soon as it arrives i will plug it in and let you all know wot there like?
  20. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    ezlad thanks for your comments, to be honest i think the 3 main reason's rooms at uni's get busted is 1,MOUTH, no one can keep quite. 2, ELECTRICITY, the boss's do regular checks on electric useage, 3, SMELL, it only takes 1 person to spliff up and the smell is enough to get a room search.