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  1. Holy Roller

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    Strangely enough I do enjoy listening to Kanye West when getting baked, especially the Graduation CD. It's got a great beat, only about 2 songs on the whole CD I don't like... and usually I don't listen to Rap/anything like it.
  2. Holy Roller


    I haven't got anything better to do, so why not? :p
  3. Holy Roller


    Heya, friend turned me on to the site, new around here so it's nice to see a community like this. Hopefully I can add something one way or another eventually.
  4. Holy Roller

    :Joint: Tokin'

    probably. :)
  5. Holy Roller

    Hey. It's Mark. Add me as a friend

    Hey. It's Mark. Add me as a friend