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  1. N

    Welcome New Members!

    hey i need help iv started cracking my seeds today and should be crack with in 24/36 hrs but once they crack and i place in pellets do i stick them in a humidity dome ? all advice much appreciated
  2. N

    Welcome New Members!

    hey im a new member and having abit of trouble getting advice from my friend as noone wants to let off there secrets.i started today on cracking my seeds in tissue but was wondering once they have rooted and i transplant them to the pellets do i stick them in a humidity dome? or not ino this...
  3. N

    Germinating In Tissue

    hi iv cracked my £100 blue cheese seeds in tissue once they have rooted in the tissue and i transplant them to pete pellets do i put them back in the humidity dome or leave them out? i no to most of you this sounds crazy but my seeds will be rooted tommorrow and im not sure on what to do next...