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  1. G

    Could a bicarbonate buffer react with acid to create toxic levels of metals?

    Hi all. I am having difficulting keeping pH steady, so it's led me to think that the nutrient solutions I have been trying (medi-one and General Organics) have a buffer, because the pH wants to be 6.8. Buffers are usually in the form of either Calcium bicarbonate or Sodium bicarbonate. This is...
  2. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    And just to answer questions: -No this safe for an organic grow. I will look this up :) -They are in about week 3 of veg now but they were all fucked up for at least a week when "the incident" occurred. No growth occurred in that week as they clung within an inch of life...
  3. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    Some root shots. They have plenty of hairs but you can see the brown color. It isn't rot. It's staining and some sort of coagulated crap. Not so much slime but more like a congealed substance. Perhaps brown algae. Now the bag is a half baked idea I added today, after reading of your replies. I...
  4. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    Close-up's of 2 of my my not too happy ladies (confirmed sex). The Apollo (1st pic) is typical for state of health on my Apollo's. They didn't suffer from overfertilization as badly as the blueberry's but took a hit in some form of nutrient lockout combination, causing the leaf symptoms you see...
  5. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    This is the aero-table assembly with 3 600 W HPS light assembly (affectionately dubbed "The Dragon"). Of 10 of Joey Weed's Blueberry's and 10 Apollo 11's; 6 Blueberry's and 10 Apollo's germinated. The seeds were over a year old and stored in a bedroom success probably would have been...
  6. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    Mucho gracias Don Rise. My spanish sucks! I know there are some tempermental reactions on this board. I see no hate in your reply. Thank you. As with this I am learning. I agree that science supports soil/soilless organics.There is overwhelming evidence. I have not found many grow journals of...
  7. G

    anyone tried brewing compost with organic Nutrients

    add rhisome culture or compost to get the beni's. the beni's are an important part of tea and nutrient formulations may not have them inherent
  8. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    Just an update. I found another reference to another guy using GO in I'm no pioneer anymore...awww shucks. The good news though is I saw some awesome big bud pictures using the system from 2 grows under his belt. I also read that he spoke with a GO rep who stated that while pH...
  9. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming I found these threads helpful ^^^ PS: I'm still blown away by the no ph adjustment thing. Will stop adding citric and nervously watch what happens... :)
  10. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    Hey man, I really appreciate your response. I just want to clarify, are you and/or Jerry growing organic in aero? If so I think we're pioneers man cause I've not found much on organic aero, other than some vague stuff. I suspected the citric acid being the culprit. I'm still wondering about the...
  11. G

    Organic Aeroponic neutrients

    don't know the answer but bump. I'm not finding a lot of resources on organic aero, which sucks because I'm doing it right now! 1st grow. Call me crazy. I like it complicated I guess. Anyhow, I started with medi-one. Plants did ok but filter was clogging. Changed to General Organics. Plants got...
  12. G

    Need some help/Gen Organics/Microbes/Citric Acid/Foaming

    Hey all. 1st post. 1st grow. I have some plant problems, which I will probably post in more specific forum (toxicities or deficiencies or a mix).They are in week 2 of veg. I'm growing a Organic grow in a 4 by 8 Aeroponics table - 32 sites. Right now I have 6 blueberries and 10 Apollo 11's from...
  13. G

    sign online to stop Bill C15

    I don't know if this matters, but here is a distribution list of Canadian Senator emails. I compiled it all, now to find out that I missed the deadline by 3 friggen days :wall: Anyways, like you said, a public awareness is crucial at this point. I wonder if there is any point mailing the...
  14. G

    Thx Cnd Bud, I have been searching for HOURS and Hours trying to find a Canadian company that is actually based in Canada with decent prices and what I want. There's a few sites out there that have a Canadian website and Canadian office but ship from the UK, the above said site being one of...
  15. G

    Paranoid - Ordering seeds & privacy

    Hey all. I'm totally brand new to this. So I'm looking at some seed companies and on the order form they ask for my first and last name. Is this necessary? Why do they need my real name if I'm going to send cash? I would rather use a business name and post office box. I think I'm on the right...
  16. G

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hey brickhouse. My first post on the board. Right now I'm researching the best way to do this. My question is one aimed at reducing evidence by means of power records that could be accessed by local police and used to get a search warrant. I've read that though it isn't routinely released...