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  1. E

    Growing Question

    Im not sure if this is a problem or not, but its been about 1 1/2 weeks now, and my plants are growing pretty fast, but they're getting too tall to the point where they're falling over to the side, so i used a twig to support the step. Isn't there a way to control the height of the plant, cuz i...
  2. E

    1st week grow

    oh ok thnx guys, no they;re not the red ones there just normal 100 watt lights, they still give off light, except it does get warm, im just wondering wheather or not the heat will affect the plants or not.
  3. E

    1st week grow

    OK so i just planted my sprouts into small 4x4" cups. im growing in my closet which is about 3x3x6. my question is, is there a certain height i should keep my lights at? cuz right now i have one florescent light and 2 heat lamps at 100watts. and i have them about 4-5 feet above the cups...