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  1. M

    Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

    why would 'bunching thc' particles make them harder to burn? thc has the same melting/burning point whether you have .1g or 10g, its always going to 'burn' at the same temperature regardless...unlsess maybe you have no oxygen or you're in space?
  2. M

    quick drying ur buds

    surprised i never hear people use or talk about using space heaters, i've used this on crops many times in the past, get a shoebox, place your buds on a plate on top of the shoebox a few inches in front of the heater, turn the buds as needed, takes a few hours and tastes/loooks/smells just fine...
  3. M

    Michigan outdoor grower question

    oh, michigan grower here too, haha
  4. M

    Michigan outdoor grower question

    wow, huge plant, never had one quite that big grown outdoors, maybe bout hafl that size, good job! congrats, best of luck with your harvest!