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  1. NuGrower2010

    My Plant is TOO Tall!!

    I was just wondering why my plant is like super tall with the same amount of leaves as some of the plants I've seen on here & YouTube, yet those plants are like half as tall as mine with same amount of leaves.. Help me out here.. Do I need more light I guess? and closer to the plant? its...
  2. NuGrower2010

    cotyledons turning yellow and brown, leaves okay

    Yes tupac is correct. The Cotyledon (small rounded leaves) serve a purpose when the plant hasn't developed it's "true" jagged leaves yet. This purpose is to help feed the plant until it can take care of itself. Once the jagged leaves sets grow, and the plant can produce it's own chlorophyll, the...
  3. NuGrower2010

    Roots of Small Plant Ripped Off..

    I have one plant left, and sorry I have no pictures of it yet. :( I re-potted the small plant from a small grow cup into a bigger clay pot with a lot more soil in it now and more room to grow roots and such..but.. When I took the plant out of the first small pot, the bottom soil where roots...
  4. NuGrower2010

    Welcome New Members!

    hey im new to the site as a member but have been reading tips from all of you guys for the past 3 weeks. Tried to grow new plants from step 1: seeds. they all died in my closet, lol.. :( Now I only have 1 survivor left, and I recently re-potted it into a bigger pot and accidentally ripped a...