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  1. E

    My seeds won't sprout.

    And we've got new growth. Thanks for all the help. I think the moisture factor was the biggest thing.
  2. E

    My seeds won't sprout.

    Thanks for all the advice. I am going to plant 2 seeds, one with the saran wrap and one without. Will make sure that the soil stays moist though until it develops a bit.
  3. E

    My seeds won't sprout.

    I think I'm gonna try putting saran wrap on the top of the cups when I plant my next seeds. One other question is how far away should I place the cups from the lights after planting the seed? Should I do 2" or should I start off further away? I am using 3 26W CFLs.
  4. E

    My seeds won't sprout.

    The cups do have slits in the bottom for drainage. I have been germinating the seeds using that paper towel method before planting them in any soil. They germinate fine. I do let the soil dry till it gets very dry on the top and then I water them again. Should I try keeping them moist more...
  5. E

    My seeds won't sprout.

    So this is about the 4th time I've planted seeds and they have not sprouted. I have used different seeds (Northern Lights and God Bud) and different soils (Happy Frog and Ocean Forest). I have had luck using both types of soil before. I am growing in a small rubbermaid setup that has 3 26W...
  6. E

    Over watering?

    The yellowing has stopped spreading and the plant still seems like it is growing slowly but it is no longer stunted. I probably lost 4 leaves all together and a few leaves still have some yellow or brown on them. I gave it some epsom salt in water and I also gave it some Fox Farm Grow Big...
  7. E

    Problems from the start

    Yea this is bugging the shit out of me. Looks like it could be mg deficiency, maybe under watering, or even nitrogen deficiency but I really don't know. I know some people say Ocean Forest is too hot for planting seeds in but it was used for other seeds that grew fine. So the end of the...
  8. E

    Problems from the start

    Over the last month I have planted 8 seeds. 5 of them did not sprout after I germinated and planted them. The others have been extremely slow growing and the bottom leaves turn yellow right from the start, starting at the tip and eventually taking over the whole leaf and working it's way up the...
  9. E

    Over watering?

    Yea, I'll let you know what happens in the next few days and let me know about how yours end up doing. I am considering giving my first dose of nutrients since I'm now around 3 weeks but I don't know if that's what the problem is.
  10. E

    Over watering?

    The two leaves above the bottom most round leaves that have yellow tips in the pictures are pretty much completely yellow now. Is that normal too? Hoping this isn't going to be making its way up the plant anymore.
  11. E

    Over watering?

    Or maybe Mg deficiency?
  12. E

    Over watering?

    This is my first grow and this plant is just over two weeks. It's Northern Lights and I am growing with Happy Frog soil. All I have is 3 26W CFLs on this in a small rubbermaid setup. I am just wondering if anyone knows what this problem could be. The very bottom leaves are yellow and the...