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  1. Markmandude

    Sexing help!

    Thanks for confirming :) . I was just making sure incase I was being mental lol :D Cheers
  2. Markmandude

    Sexing help!

    Sorry to drag an old thread up but could someone please confirm that this is a hermie before I go ripping out my last NL? :roll: :wall: Seems to be little upright calyxes then these big hanging pointy balls. I am right in thinking this is a she-dude? Cheers :lol: Edit: thinking about it...
  3. Markmandude

    Swiss cheese

    Hi, I am growing it outside at the moment just starting flowering. Has been vegging for about 3 months, 1 planted in flower beds along side Nirvanas Northern Lights has grown to about 4 foot with some slight lst at the start but is getting strangled by surrounding plants and has stopped growing...
  4. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    It's rained so much the soil must be empty by now, just waiting for it to stop and dry out :). Natural flush! I've read that if the leaf is damaged over 50% you should snip it off as the plant is wasting energy trying to repair it. I'm gonna leave mine on until it's all sorted so I can see...
  5. Markmandude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Marmaduke LOL! Can't say I was disappointed once I found a new spot for my big uns am quite looking forward to a bountiful harvest :D (if those bugs do any more damage THAT'S IT the whole garden is getting paved over little sods). Yeah man it's evil this heat, just can't escape it, we need...
  6. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    Aye, I'm going to remove the sand tomorrow, only layed it yesterday but I don't think it's gonna help with this weather. Hopefully this insecticide stuff I got will kill whatevers causing it. If it makes no difference then I'll bring the plant inside to dry off (wish the rain would stop!)...
  7. Markmandude

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thought I'd drop by and say hi! :D Got a few girls outdoors, planted far too early this year and they're getting a little too big! Having some little bastard insect problems at the moment but getting there. Anyone else fed up of the constant rain? Forecast is for another week of it at least :(
  8. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    I wish that was the case but it does seem to be spreading each day, I'll be careful in future bad weather though to keep it protected, the least problems the better lol! I'm pretty sure overwatering wouldn't cause spots like that, just droopy leaves. Overall the plant seems perfectly watered...
  9. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    A little bit more information: The plant is outside in Biobizz All-Mix soil in a 10 gallon pot. A few months old and it's just starting to flower. I have never used bug spray on it as the only problems I've had was slugs. I've noticed the odd few flies hopping about and a couple of large...
  10. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    Glad to hear they're looking good :D. Not so good about what's happening to the other plant. I've just inspected them and they are turning brown as the day goes on. They start of as tiny white pinpricks then spread into large white spots then they go yellow and then brown then the whole leaf...
  11. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    This is a long shot but I've just realised something, as we've had a draught here (before the rain) our water supply was coming from a different reservoir for the past few days... this could perhaps account for a drastic change in PH. (I have no way of checking) Doesn't lime in your soil adjust...
  12. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    Hmmm interesting. It's funny you should say that, as I did spray of my other plants with some strong insecticide the day before this happened, although not this one and they where a good few feet away so none could have reached this plant. Bit too strange to be a coincidence. Also I fed a...
  13. Markmandude

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    The plant (Swiss Cheese) was healthy as can be until a windy night I brought it inside for a few hours. Took it back outside and noticed white spots all over one side, these have been spreading for the past few days, 2 or 3 fan leaves also have brown spots and the leaves are curling up! I have...
  14. Markmandude

    Sexing help!

    Cheers guys for the replies, will give it a few days and see how it goes, would be a damn shame if both of the NL turned out to be males. Regards :)
  15. Markmandude

    Sexing help!

    Hi, I'm growing 2 feminised Swiss Cheese and 2 regular Northern Lights, I've read and read and read as much information as possible but I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand. Both the Swiss Cheese are showing female bits (as expected) but the NL both have what seem to be balls, could...
  16. Markmandude

    Reservoir size? (Aero)

    Cheers for the replies, good idea, I'm thinking about just fitting the plant part to the resavoir snuggly without glue so it could be lifted off easily. Excellent link thank you some great info on there. :D Will have a play with some ideas and get some pics up once its built. Cheers
  17. Markmandude

    Reservoir size? (Aero)

    I'm planning to have a small scale go at aeroponics, due to space limitations I want it to be as compact and self contained as possible. I'm planning the DIY version of the Aeroflo as I've seen on here a few times. A cross between Aeroponics and NFT. I was wondering that since an external...
  18. Markmandude

    Summer 2010 Outdoor Grow UK

    Started this outdoor grow just over a month ago. Previously only ever done indoors which was plagued by general noob problems, hopefully all ironed out. Grew these babies for 3 weeks under a CFL then hardened off and taken outdoors. I'm using Biobizz All-Mix Soil and I'm growing 2 Swiss...