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  1. cheriescor3

    The Current Financial Crisis, What Caused it?

    the central bankers of the world are to the money changers and watch the video it will blow your is a link
  2. cheriescor3

    Are these pre flowers??

    i just replied to your other thread /keep looking right in that spot you will see in a week or 2
  3. cheriescor3

    how long until i can flower???

    that where the preflowers will be but i don't see em yet,keep looking right in that spot,in another week or so you should see 2 white hairs coming out if it is a female,females show their sex earlier than males,so if you don't see any white hairs in a week or 2 i would start thinking it is a...
  4. cheriescor3

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    i would call the cops and tell them my neighbor is trying to extort me and set him up,when he comes to pick up the bag they can nail him,and you will never have this problem again.what he is trying to do to you is far worse than growing a little to much weed.i myself remain very friendly with...