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  1. nirvash

    how long can my buds last in cold temps?

    sorry i ment guys* not gays
  2. nirvash

    how long can my buds last in cold temps?

    ok well im gonna answer my own question for other people cause no offense but you gays were no help at all, i researched and this is what i came up with.... cannibus can survive in tempuratures from 60 to 90 degrees, it can survive a few frost but after a few times, the tissue starts to die...
  3. nirvash

    how long can my buds last in cold temps?

    addendum:i can harvest in one week, and im in arizona high country, and it actually didnt frost last night, do you guy think they will make it?
  4. nirvash

    how long can my buds last in cold temps?

    they are outside in the dirt or else i probably wouldnt be asking
  5. nirvash

    how long can my buds last in cold temps?

    i have 3 plants that are maybe in their 9th week of budding the temp is cold outside i think it might get down to 30 tonight, but i cant harvest for another 2 weeks due to lack of time, some of the leaves are turning yellow and the buds are starting to turn purple, will they be ok for another 2...
  6. nirvash

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    ok so i dont if you can call this a problem, but this is my first time growing and today i went to check on my plant (outside growing) and on one of the leaves there is this rock-like crystal formation, it doesnt look like a tricome, it looks like a rock formation, i have no clue what it is and...