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  1. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    well it turned out to be a male :( starting 3 new ones. i dont know the strain but it is some realy good stuff :) paid 20 a g for it so im hoping i can make it as good if not better.
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    kool thanks man. :)
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    no water isnt to the net pot. and ph is inbetween 6.5 and 7.5 use the drop ph tester.
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    okay see how these work.
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    okay i did a rez change last night wiped out the bucket filled it up with 2.5 gallons and did all the nutes for 2.5 gallons seeing as she was on full nutes last time i did a rez change. i check on her this afternoon and its all droopy. no discoloration yet. just droopy. could this be from shock?
  6. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    well seeing how i am going to like the outcome of DWC i put it into flowering at week 3. just got some realy good seeds from some high grade stuff so :) gonna start 4 and see what i get.
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    anyone able to help?
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    and would it be to stressful to sex the plant and then try putting it back into veg? im only doing 1 plant to see how i do with DWC so i dont want to waste alot of time on a male if that is what it turns out to be.
  9. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    sorry everyone still no digi cam. but its doing pretty good. its on its 5th set of leaves. and is less then 6'' tall. i have hardly no stretchin at all. i think im going to bring it up to about 1/2 strength nutes when i put fresh water. What amount of water should i be using in a 5 gallon bucket...
  10. S

    New Bubbleponic grower! Comments / Advice Appreciated!

    ohh and i didnt soak my rockwool cubes either. and i dont believe that is the cause of your ph to rise. i think its from the plant eating and taken more of one nute and not others. but again my 2 cents.
  11. S

    New Bubbleponic grower! Comments / Advice Appreciated!

    im in the same boat as you. but what i believe i have been reading is that each day after everything is rooted and has a root system that your going to be adding more water daily. i have about a 3 week old one right now. the root system is already hitting the bottom of the bucket. well ive been...
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    well me being the dumb person that i am went and cut off the first set of leaves before i read your post... have to stop old habits.
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    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    sorry dont have a digi yet. waiting for payday to see about a cheap one. but they are on there 3rd set of real leafs.
  14. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    when i change the water tommorow should i increase the amount of nutes to put in from 1/4 to 1/2 or keep it at 1/4 for right now and add more nutes in a week or 2.
  15. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    okay i have another question. lol would trimming the leaves cause it to branch out more?
  16. S

    I need help please

    i would assume so. thats 3000w worth of hps going at one time. on top of the pumps and fans and everythign.. just my 2 cents
  17. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    well a friend just told me i was a dumb ass and its not soiless its hydropoincs... i know sucks being solber.
  18. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    well so everyone has a reference this is the table im talking about
  19. S

    Whacking the Males

    man thats awesome :) im glad i dont have to worrie about that this time around. ive got 1 going. if this turns into a male im gonna try a grow like that one
  20. S

    N.L. and Friuty grow.

    thanks man i ph'ed a half gallon and added it to the 5 gallon bucket seemed to settle it down a little in ph too so thats good. are you familiar with the technoflora recipe for succss mixing chart by chance? anyone for that matter. it says Feed, water, water, feed. so if i do it for 8 weeks ill...