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  1. H

    Is 84 degrees and 50% hum going to kill me ?

    Well I was pulling air from outside the room through the lights. I also have a Dehumdifer in there as well think i should get the humidy to 40%? Also you think I should stop pulling air from outside the room and suck the air from inside the room kind of like a vacuum or should i just leave the...
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    Is 84 degrees and 50% hum going to kill me ?

    using a 6" vortex and i have a evenstar 10000 btu ac
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    Is 84 degrees and 50% hum going to kill me ?

    Any help would be nice thanks?
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    Is 84 degrees and 50% hum going to kill me ?

    Well I seem to be having a problem with heat. I have 10x5x9 ft room with 3 1000's and I am using a 3x3 tray with a 3x6 and I have 46 kids in there with 4 per row in 7" 2 gallon buckets the square ones. I went through veg with no problem at alll 76 degrees but I had only 1 light on the portable...
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    When flowering with 3 1000's ....

    Let Me know Billbob how it works for you
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    When flowering with 3 1000's ....

    Hey Seasmoke thanks for the reply I was mainly worrying about the light setup where i have a 10x5x9' room and i have 3 1000's in a row spread even through 9ft the middle light being the hortilux blue halide. So should i just keep them on rotation or should i just pop another hps in there instead...
  7. H

    When flowering with 3 1000's ....

    Thanks I was going to plan on rotating the plants I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to hurt anything by doing this. I also wanted to try it because I wanted to see how it effected the yield. Thanks Jackdirty for the input I am always accepting more.
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    Burn Recovery?

    I think 81 F is a little to high hence the spider mites i keep mine at 72-75 and I have no troubles with heat or mites
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    When flowering with 3 1000's ....

    I am about to start flowering and I am about to try something i havent tryed before and I was curious if anyone else does this or is it just a bad idea? I have 2 1000's HPS HOrtilux bulbs and the middle light is going to be a Halide Hortilux in between the other 2 lights. This are evenly spaced...
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    Thanks again
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    What is a good humidity for Vegg? I was thinking 50% anyone have a decent idea?
  12. H

    What Nutrients do you use?

    My idea behind this post was to see as many other people nut's setups and just compare to each others with valid points and reasons. I have been using my setup for about 8 grows and it works very well for me. I was just curious if anyone else had there nut's setup that was similar or better or...
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    how can you tell if uv got bud rot?

    Grab a container and look at the bottom to see if any roots are coming out of the bottom and have turned brown. Then smell the bottom of the container, root rot smells really bad and you will know immediatly if you do.
  14. H

    What Nutrients do you use?

    I wanted some suggestions and feedback on what everyone else is using out there. Currently I am doing soil (Auruara Camo-Bag)1gal containers switching to 2gal at flower GDP. I am using Advanced Nutrients products A-B Grow and Bloom. I have been looking into Bud Factor X and also Humbolt Honey ES...