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  1. naked gardener

    RIU Sexism Must Stop

    Oh shit, duh..... "MR Ganja"~~I totally get it now. Boy, do I feel daft.... Oh well. Guess I'll keep my post count low too! lol (:
  2. naked gardener

    RIU Sexism Must Stop

    Oh yeah, and HUGE congrats on the quit bcbuddy....are you still hanging in there?
  3. naked gardener

    RIU Sexism Must Stop

    Hmmm.... BCBuddy, it's still over my head! lol! But as a female member of RIU, I totally appreciate your thoughts on sexism in the grow community. As I probably do yours as well, Researchkitty, if I only knew what you were talking about in that post. So, I'm not above asking: WHAT DOES THAT...
  4. naked gardener

    how much longer?

    Be patient, it's getting there! And looks pretty damn good too. I concur with everything BrickTop said...But my rough-guess reply, going by the pic and knowing it's ONLY 7.5 weeks, I would give it another week-10 days, at least. If you don't have a scope yet, (I didn't for years) wait until...
  5. naked gardener

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    *Cheers Wikid* & wishing you a drama free New Year.... I've got a few in my family who could not survive without their regular doses of drama--I just keep my distance and try to laugh (or not to laugh, depending...):?
  6. naked gardener

    how old are you and how long have you been smoking?

    You just gotta create your own smoke breaks man! The herb (along w lots of coffee) definitely helped me get through college. I smoked everyday...and graduated with honors. I majored in history & I think alot of ppl in that dept. were smokers, including some of my professors for sure...:weed...
  7. naked gardener

    how old are you and how long have you been smoking?

    Wow, it's been 15 yrs since the first time I tried it ...and have been smokin pretty steady for 13yrs. But.....a lady never wants to reveal her age. Eh, screw it...I'm 30, so roughly, I've been smoking almost half of my life.
  8. naked gardener

    Fuck Marijuana!

    I couldn't agree more about "dope"--that term, in association w MJ, is reserved for pissed off parents exclusively! Funny, but I'm pretty sure I only use the term "marijuana" on here. I don't think I've ever actually said out loud--"let's smoke some marijuana" or "pardon me sir, but might...
  9. naked gardener

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    awesome coffeeshop fantasy!! +REP! (I wish mine meant more....but maybe someday!)
  10. naked gardener

    Does anyone here not do drugs?

    Hey Peter Parker, did you say earlier that you don't smoke weed..were you kidding? If not why does your sig say that you love MJ while lovn MJ (or sumpthin like that)? juuuust curious Also, I can tell that W. Hip's posts can aggravate you (aren't u the one who sometimes asks why he/she...
  11. naked gardener

    Does anyone here not do drugs?

    Drugs can ruin lives. You only get one life. I don't fuck w any of it. (Acid was fun a few times in HS--I know a few people who loved it a lil too much and have honestly never been the same since...) I do consume copious amounts of the coffee bean and the herb commonly reefered [sic] to as...
  12. naked gardener

    Is Christianity Safe?

    If Christians/Christianity were to have actually followed the lessons and example of Christ, then it could have been a beautiful thing. I would like to say that people can believe whatever they want and that is no affront to me--but unfortunately it is the innocent believer, who outwardly...
  13. naked gardener


    Oh CrackerJax, C'mom!!! Man, I wish what you said was still true--but i'm afraid, for the most part, those times have past. Before I continue, I want to make it clear that while I am definitely a 'humanist', I am far from a bleeding heart. I am just as disgusted as anyone about lazy...
  14. naked gardener


    QUOTING ILLEGALSMILE: "proclaiming labor a commodity that must move freely in the world along with energy, capital and security, is one of the most liberal notions you will EVER hear me espouse." end quote WHAT? Sir, YOU are very clearly confused on many levels. Proclaiming that labor is a...
  15. naked gardener


    I have a very clear understanding of what I am talking about. What have I posted that is inaccurate? (PLEASE ANSWER THIS) I don't give a shit what your political ideology is...what does that have to do w me (and anyone else who grasps the fundamental basics of economics) disagreeing w your...
  16. naked gardener


    Economics 101: Labor is a form of 'capital', or 'human capital'. Just bc mega corporations have outsourced labor does not make it a commodity. That only means that corps. are seeking the most capital at the least cost & w the greatest return on their investment. Labor as a commodity is also...
  17. naked gardener


    You do not see the necessity for providing resources to at risk and underprivelaged families? Do you not recognize the relationship between poverty, desperation and crime? The political agenda of ACORN was to provide a forum in which disadvantaged people had a voice and a vote. The social...
  18. naked gardener


    Agreed Crackerjax, it is not supposed to happen at all. I'm not defending the actions of those bad apples. My point with that is: Why does ALL of ACORN lose their trivial amount of funding (trivial compared to the BW contracts) bc of a few bad workers? The people willing to be involved in...
  19. naked gardener


    you'd think.
  20. naked gardener


    Then the same could said for acorn. "So a few make them all bad?" Those undercover reporters had to go to several acorn offices before they found someone stupid or corrupt enough to "bust out". Acorn has helped low income and at-risk families w housing and finding resources for years. They...