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  1. Kongbuds

    Show me your nugs!

    Hells yea budman! I'm getting ready to pop my 1 sweet black angel I've got. Those bud shots are making me drool man. I'm looking forward to growing this strain after seeing your results. Thanks for the pics.
  2. Kongbuds

    How long should it take for plants to show sex from 12/12 from seed

    I'm no pro grower or anything but all the research I have done on growing 12/12 from seed does not support what you are telling this newbie. 95% of all the 12/12 grows I've seen the yeild was not affected at all. Not to mention they show sex sooner than if you veg. I've seen some 12/12 grows...
  3. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    Yea, honestly I don't want to put 4 in one bin. But I've got about 12-13 gallons of mix in each so I'm thinking there's a slim chance they'll become root bound as they have plenty of room to grow. Plus, I'm doing 12/12 from seed to harvest so I doubt they'll even have time to get that big. Time...
  4. Kongbuds

    How can i make a cheap organic soil using peat moss?

    I too bought a "huge brick"(3 cubic ft.) of peat moss from lowes. I mixed the peat 50/50 with perlite then added pulverized powdered lime, mushroom compost(instead of worm castings), and epsoms BioTone starter plus. I used the BioTone instead of bone/blood meal, kelp, etc. because you don't have...
  5. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    Thanks Dro. I was thinking that there was a good posability the bags would be messy and not worth the hassle. I've decided to go with 4/18 gallon rubbermaid bins with 4 plants in each. So I'll have 16 plants instead of 10 now.
  6. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    So what do you guys think about grow bags vs smart pots(air pots, fabric pots, etc.)? From my research it seems that smart pots are a must have for any container grower but they seem to be way overpriced. On the other hand the grow bags don't look to shabby either. They are MUCH cheaper than the...
  7. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    Thanks Toron! This is very helpful. I think I'll apply most of this to my mix.
  8. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    No doubt man. I like the fact that peat and coco are very forgiving to new growers. At least from what I gather anyway. And the main reasoning for going with peat/perlite is because it's CHEAP!
  9. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    Yea, I'm definately trying to kiss. This is my second grow so I don't have very much experience. I'm going with a soiless mix because of the pretty much neutral ph(adding a little lime of course to raise my peat ph a little) and for the excellent water retention and drainage. Also, I am on a...
  10. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    Thanks for the info guys! Dro, I'm def thinking a 50/50 mix is the way to go. I'm just trying to figure out wether to amend my mix before hand(and approximately how much for 10, 3 gal pots) with guano's, diff types of meals, etc. or to just using lime for ph and feeding with organic liquid...
  11. Kongbuds

    Some help with making the ideal soiless mix please

    I am in the process of starting my second grow. My first grow was a few years back using potting soil and Cfls. Started out with 7 plants and ended up with 2 females. I tried to transplant them into a DIY bubbleponics system I made which of course almost killed them. I then transplanted back...
  12. Kongbuds

    Mississippi Growers

    Msissippi grower here man! Don't think there's to many of us on here. I'll be starting my indoor grow soon. Will def be posting pics. Gonna grow NL and swiss cheese most likely but still not for sure on the strains.
  13. Kongbuds

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    AGREED! Some people are just winey babies.:cry::cry::cry:
  14. Kongbuds

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    any electrical suggestions on my 8x8x8 grow room. room will be split in two. veg side will have 12 cfl's an commercial air pump and ocsalating fan. flowering side will have two 400 watt bulbs and two ballast, two 8" in line fans and one squirrel cage fan. do i need to get an enviromental...
  15. Kongbuds

    Goin big 1st try...

    24 plants. Plan to start with seed. Germinate then veg. in 2 DIY bubbleponics systems. Flower in a 7'x3'x6 1/2' grow box with 24 site flood and drain(ebb & flow) system with 2 1000 watt dual arc bulbs. Would this be a good setup? New to growing so any advice would be appreciated.
  16. Kongbuds

    Does this look like nitrogen problem??? Please help!

    Here are a few pics. They have been vegging for a month and are growing very slow. IMG_0181.JPGIMG_0182.IMG_0185.JPG_0183.IMG_0184.JPG
  17. Kongbuds

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    KB here again. Forgot to ask u about nutes. What are the best nutes to use for bubbleponics from vegg to flower? Thanks again for all the helpfull info.
  18. Kongbuds

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Thanks RM. That's all I needed plus some. I will hopefully be posting some pics soon of my 8x8 room set-up.
  19. Kongbuds

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Quick question RM. If u have already answered this I apologize for asking again. Can the irrigation hubs or manifolds be found at like a lowes or home depot(or some sort of home and garden place)? Thanks for all the other helpfull info in this thread. Starting my first grow soon and will be...