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  1. B

    do i have a hermie?

    what looks like pistils can be tiny little leaves. that's what fooled me but then i've heard that baby flowers can look like pollen sacs too. if there is more than one ball at a location then it's probably a male.
  2. B

    do i have a hermie?

    :cuss:fuck it.:wall: my camera doesn't have macro but on closer inspection, what i thought were pistils are just baby leaves that haven't turned green yet. it's a male.:sad: but, fuck it, i wanna smoke it anyways. too many bills to justify buying and i'll be damned if the last few months...
  3. B

    do i have a hermie?

    so my baby seems to be male... boo hoo. whatever. however it seems to be sprouting white hairs also... ...on the tops. see, at the lower nodes, i see pollen balls, but at the top of a few branches, where its farther along, i seem to see white pistils? could this actually be a female? is it...
  4. B

    ready to start flowering my 1st plant

    alright, sounds good. in a week i should know the sex right? (fingers crossed) sorry i don't have pics guys you've all been a big help
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    ready to start flowering my 1st plant

    just to begin with? or do you mean 12 hours light, 48 hours dark? i'm only asking cuz i've never heard anything like that either way
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    ready to start flowering my 1st plant

    the hydrogen peroxide is for gnat control i thought they were gone but when i stopped it they came back there is not a lot of them though, so should i just not worry about it? as for the molasses, no its not good genetics. its bag seed. (i'm poor :-|)
  7. B

    ready to start flowering my 1st plant

    so my stoney baby is looking good. still some gnats but very very few about to take her into flower watered her tonight after a 4 day dry period still using hydrogen peroxide also added some molasses to the mix haven't used nutrients in a week tomorrow night is her first 12 hour dark period...
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    Anyone here have an account with Bitfreakglass? what is involved in getting an invite? also, do i have to buy something soon if i get one? i kinda just wanna look around. also, are they snobs? elitist? and finally, is it really worth the hassle? i mean do they have limited edition pieces, or...
  9. B

    Male flowers on female? Herm?

    i don't know as much as everyone else on this board but from what i've heard if its just single balls... could be female. the males make balls in groups (check between your legs, you'll see what i'm talking about) and if the information i was reading was correct... female flowers can start out...
  10. B

    My Trichs Are Changing!

    i am insanely jealous of you right now...
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    Favorite cannabis consumption method.

    make mine a Game Green an i like Guinness. ...sooo creamy
  12. B

    Does anyone ride?

    MTB'er here '09 Gary Fisher Marlin disc new stem, handlebars, grips, pedals, and tires also road bike on my dads old 80's Schwinn WorldSport fucker is fast as shit.
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    OK... know you all prolly sick of this thread but i think i got 'em licked =) so i was using the Hydrogen Peroxide, and leaving a small dish of beer next to my stony baby (she has a name now) 3 days between watering, changed beer when watered. was taking forever but they are finally gone...
  14. B

    California Stoner Lingo. WTF?

    delawhere here. pretty much nail-on-head there 'xcept instead of dank or headies, we called it nug then again, i'm kinda old school now i guess. and i don't really smoke with the youngsters (not that i wouldn't, just don't wanna be the creepy kinda older guy... even if i'm only 27)
  15. B

    Luda or Weezy? Both on the same track... Who go harder lyrically?

    luda, no contest... still gotta say that Snoop is better than both of them combined
  16. B

    Hilltop Hoods

    Any other american fans listen to this? also list other chill/smokable hip hop groups you like Mos Def & Talib Kwali Elzhi gogogo
  17. B

    I need HELP!!!! POLL COME VOTE!!!!!!!

    no prob dude. i don't like push overs anyways, so i know where you're coming from mighta been a bit sensitive myself so... touche
  18. B

    Who Took The "Head" out of "Headshop"?

    i agree with you completely, everything is less fun these days people take shit so serious... ah well, fuck em if they can't take a joke usually a better selection on line anyways... but then you miss out on the local glass artists. hell, maybe we could start another forum section on that...
  19. B

    In your opinion, is Pot a negative word?

    pot, mj, mary jane, reefer, ganja, weed, wacky tobaccy... call it what you want, just don't call it "shit" respect the weed that raised you