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  1. Scion05

    Fighting spider mites for over a year!!!

    I have fought mites for years spending well over $1k for most, if not ALL of the available products on the market, including some home made things like pepper sprays and so on. I finally came across Forbid 4F and I was amazed at how well this product worked, since it lasts in the leaves and...
  2. Scion05

    Spider mites on clones

    Hi, I was fighting mites for months until I was told to try Forbid4F by my local gardenshop. The 8oz bottle is $230.00 but my friend at the shop told me where to buy a 1oz bottle...
  3. Scion05

    Battling the Borg - Spider Mites

    I have used Forbid 4F and it has saved my garden. I used it ONCE in early veg and they were gone within a week. This product is a Translaminar NOT systemic, meaning it does not move through the plants vascular system but is absorbed into the leaves. It provides 4 to 8 weeks of protection. The...
  4. Scion05

    What is the deal with Alien Gear?

    Uh, maybe to have an awesome strain that a noob can't handle? Seriously?
  5. Scion05

    Canna Collective

    BUYER BEWARE AT CANNA COLLECTIVE Mr. Dj flakey liar We spent 1,000.00 with CannaCollective in October of 2013. The seeds that I ordered were from Alien Genetics, Seeds in pictures I had seen elsewhere were packaged very well with Alien Genetics logo. The seeds I received were in little plastic...
  6. Scion05

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Hey Jozikins, I have been down BioBizz road to a dissapointing grow, I shoulda known better when I read the NPK ratios... I had deficiencies I had never experienced besides the obvious lack of nitrogen, but I know people who like and use it, so they double or triple on their dosages for...
  7. Scion05

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Hey Jozikins, I have been down BioBizz road to a dissapointing grow, I shoulda known better when I read the NPK ratios... I had deficiencies I had never experienced besides the obvious lack of nitrogen, but I know people who like and use it, so they double or triple on their dosages for...
  8. Scion05

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Greetings all, just wanted to throw my two cents in.... I had really an interesting three crop experience with H&G soil nutrient line, after I corrected cal/mag and nitrogen deficiencies, and re-adjusted shooting powder dosages to my strains liking, and rinsing more than recommended for the...
  9. Scion05

    I think i am closing in on harvest time

    Son! You took the Peters and left me........
  10. Scion05

    PH or Over Nuet?

    I would leave them alone for a few days, when you start to see new growth I would start removing the "burnt" leaves, the less stress on the girls the better! Best of luck to you!
  11. Scion05

    I think i am closing in on harvest time

    Is your avatar a picture of you? lol
  12. Scion05

    I think i am closing in on harvest time

    You still feeding them any nitrogen?
  13. Scion05

    My 2nd grow/ 1st Autoflower Gorw

    Those look great! Keep up the good work! I will check back for more pic's! Is it a safe bet that your a girl? Not that there is anything wrong with that if your not.......... just asking because Im female. Take it easy!
  14. Scion05

    PH or Over Nuet?

    Different membrane filtration that takes all contaminants out of water, series of canisters and a holding tank for clean water.
  15. Scion05

    PH or Over Nuet?

    I think its a combination of both, I would get water from a different source, make sure you check ph often after you run your system with new water as it will leach the high ph of your media back into your system, if you find your having to add alot of ph stabilizer stop and change water again...
  16. Scion05

    I think i am closing in on harvest time

    I clicked on your link, did your roomate write that? Your brother? So what? You found a person who shares your same opinion which is cool, if you like over ripened bud that by the time it is fully cured wont have a tric head left on it! Not to mention the oils lost, that is a great pic of a...
  17. Scion05

    I think i am closing in on harvest time

    Look its the lord of weed again! Someone else calls you out on your pathetic info and your reply is lame! answer the freakin' question "what is done to you? Let her go..... til shes dooone! Done what? Got up and jumped in a baggie? Or do you let them dry up in the pot? Read the other posts in...
  18. Scion05

    Different strains end up lookin them same

    Sounds like you might have over fertilized them, how did you determine when to harvest them ie; days flowered, color of pistils or trichomes? Also how did you cure them? Did you flush them with "water only" between feedings and before harvest?
  19. Scion05

    I think i am closing in on harvest time

    "Officly Honester Im not stoned!"
  20. Scion05

    genetics question, or just dreaming

    I took two cuttings each a different strain, cutting each clones stem right up the center and "braided" the clones together then tied them to each other with waxed dental floss, not the minty kind! Dipped them in a rooting gel compound and ta dah! two strains growing as one, I took it a step...