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  1. G

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    i get all the danks for like 270-310 per oz. bubblegum, sourdeisel, blueberry, norhternlight, grape ape, og kush, granddypurp, etc... fire buds in kansas
  2. G

    Is this weed?

    those look like some hella fat buds to me...
  3. G

    .::My Micro Cfl Grow 12/12 From Seed::.

    Are those just computer fans? i assume you can buy them at most electronics stores...
  4. G

    Next Springs Grow

    so i think i know the place im going to go for, it has a small creek nearby i should be able to get my water from. Any suggestions on what strain to use. It will be taking place in the great state of Kansas.
  5. G

    .::My Micro Cfl Grow 12/12 From Seed::.

    i will be starting my own cfl micro 12/12 from seed grow in a few days, i started germing a few seeds yesterday. Keep us informed on your plants so i can help base what i do of your experiences
  6. G

    Lowering Temp. to increase resin?

    .....yea...he fucked them up hella only got like half ounce off all the plants...i will be bagging on him forever...i mam going to start my own indoor grow in the next week, has anyone done 12/12 the whole time?
  7. G

    WTF is up with this seedling... help!

    Your baby is still very young, it looks much like ours did at that age, from what you said it seems that your lights are the correct distance away. Check back with more pics in a few days and see if they look different.
  8. G

    Next Springs Grow

    So i have been interested in growing outdoors for a while. I think i know a few places locally that should be good site. I was going to order seeds soon and start vegging to plan in the spring. I have heard all sorts of suggestions of how to evade coppers on this site such as looking like a...
  9. G

    Bud Pics.

    wow read the whole thing....sick buds...hoping to start my own grow soon i might try to mimic yours somewhat...think i might want to go organic though...and yes just hairs is a harsh smoke
  10. G

    Arjan's #3?

    my and my pals got some ah3 fems seeds off the grow got kinds messed up becasue he is stupid so we stil have like 4 left though so i still have high hopes
  11. G

    Hook me up Roseman! Ohio_Grown!

    if your in the US try out, discrete and quick
  12. G

    CFL Light too far away?

    i have also heard around two inches, i am thinking about begining a cfl grow myself, keep us informed
  13. G

    Lowering Temp. to increase resin?

    So we have three plants at my mates house and he is changing the temp to around 25 at night when the lights are off and 60's during the day, he says it will increase resin becuase of the stress from the temperature? is this true? Thanks
  14. G

    How To Get R Dun?

    wow i joined the site about a week ago and i have been just looking through grow journals but i must say that this is quite impressive.... this will be the one i model my first grow after... are you using molasses?