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  1. S

    Starting Dyna-Gro

    you want to leach your soil right before nutes. dont water 2 days in a row especially if your using soil. you want to put in enough water to make it come out the bottom and let that sit untill it drains then fertilize
  2. S

    Whats Wrong With These Plants???????Please Help

    did you get this solved? ive used promix #4 and this isnt a soil mix. pro mix is soilless it only act like a soil. there is no nutes in this mix. you can water promix everday with a 20% run off. i use 3 galon pots and i flush with one gallon and then feed with another gallon. i do this every...
  3. S

    Question on nuting during fliwering?

    dude when you harvest go buy yourself a ppm meter.( part per millions) this has nothing to do with ph. if you want consistency you will want to pick one of these up. its well worth the 100 bucks and you might as well pick up a combo pen(ppm/ph). oh by the way always check ph before fertin the...
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    atami bloombastic

    bloombastic is awesome stuff. it is a little expensive but i use AN so its not to bad. i used it with the recipe for success of course taking out a couple of ingredients and i got a way better product then with AN but the yeild doesnt compare to the AN line. with that said i didnt follow the...
  5. S

    leaves have brown spots

    i am on my 3rd week. im using adv. sensi bloom, big bud and carboload. the leaves started off by getting these white dots so i searched for mites and nothing. i have been checking for bugs everyday but nothing is there. so a couple of days ago the spots started to become copper colored that...
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    weird blotches on bottom leaves :S

    how long ago did you trans plant it? looks like over watering or you leafs were to moist during cloning but it should be fine just dry the soil out completely before watering again
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    cant decide on soil?

    what about harvest and blooms "supreme harvest"
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    Rapid Rooter - 2 weeks? +rep for answer

    why would you ask for info a second time if you think it could of costed you thousands the first time?
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    Spider Mites! Help!

    are your mites black
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    Rapid Rooter - 2 weeks? +rep for answer

    those rapid rooters are easy. you cut you shit and dip it in whatever you use to root then put them in plugs. mix up some vitamin b1 in your water ( i just give the water a yellow tint) water ther plugs as you fill the tray. after you do this spray clones and hood with same b1 water apply hood...
  11. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey just signed up for this forum. I enjoy reading the posts. There is some great info and pics on this site!