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  1. inhaleindica

    Runoff PPM is Low and PH is high - Please help!

    if those signs are just the bottom part of the plant. I wouldn't worry too much about it. They don't get enough light could cause that. focus on the new growth. If you see them gradually turning like that up towards the plant that is when you need to adjust the nutrient regiment. One or 2...
  2. inhaleindica

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    .........???? What you are claiming regarding the 8 inch can fan is ridiculous. It is something else. Purple stems has to do with nutes.
  3. inhaleindica

    Strange Spotted Leaves

    Pests for sure!!!!! Spider mites or Aphids would do that.Foliar spray Neem Oil with Dr Bonner's castille soap with Peppermint. Do it once every 3-5 days and then weekly. You can see them with the naked eye if you really look under the leaves. They are tiny like a pin hole. 30x and 60x...
  4. inhaleindica

    Deficancy or bug problem

    You have a potassium deficiency for sure. Your tap water might be high in Calcium or Magnesium that is locking out the other nutrients. Possible Phosphorus def as well.
  5. inhaleindica

    Soil nutrients for virgin grower

    Keep it simple! That is my advice. Like Sunny said that it is easy to go overboard. Don't spend money on All kinds of boosters, They don't do much for you. I would Invest more on lights, carbon, simple grow, bloom, Magnesium supplement and Kelp supplement then you are all set. Kelp is not...
  6. inhaleindica

    Roots Organics soil VS Pro-Mix HP soilless GDP

    Wow, I totally forgot about this journal ha. I love both mediums. I usually start off in roots organics then I transplant into Pro mix with awesome results. If they are below 75 degrees during lights off would help purple the buds. Mine never goes below 70 anyways.
  7. inhaleindica

    Is my plant small for its age?

    Yeah, since you transplanted it early. That would have slowed the growth a bit. It is growing roots right now then the plants will start to grow. Have fun while you are at it.
  8. inhaleindica

    neem oil

    Ok! I use Neem oil often myself with no problems. I only use them when I need them not every time. I spray them once every 2 weeks in Veg. Mixture of water and neem oil poured in the soil once and that is pretty much it. If you follow the nutrients bottle then yeah, that will kill your plants...
  9. inhaleindica

    What's wrong with my ganj plants?

    toss it out and focus on the other stronger ones
  10. inhaleindica

    Mutant growth

    Looks like it has an nutrient lock up and over watering. I can see the leaves cupping upwards stating too much water and the brown spots could be Mag Def due to the lock up of nutrients
  11. inhaleindica

    Did I overfeed?

    That plant looks perfect. It does not need to be flushed at all. Read more and you will thank me.
  12. inhaleindica

    Is my plant small for its age?

    Are you letting the soil dry out a little bit before watering again? Some will grow faster than others.
  13. inhaleindica

    neem oil

    Don't make this complicated. You can use neem oil with your nutes while watering or spray them. Look up the bottle directions. You will be fine.
  14. inhaleindica

    Ready or not

    Long way to go!!
  15. inhaleindica

    Nitrogen def? Or nute burn? Something else?

    You are fine. that is normal for the bottom leaves to yellow out. So, as long as the rest of them are still green. Be careful over feeding it.
  16. inhaleindica

    Brown spots and yellowing on leaves

    Looks to me that it needs more Mag and Phosphorus
  17. inhaleindica

    What's my problem?

    Leaf cupping. Over watered. Spots could be potassium def
  18. inhaleindica

    Nanners Late Flower Chopped, New Plants

    No, you will be fine pollen is not viable for very long. Once you put them into flower you will be fine. If it was already flowering then that would be a problem
  19. inhaleindica

    ventalation question.

    You would need a 6 inch exhaust fan usually they are 440 cfm or more. I use the 6 inch just fine and it vents my 12x 10x 8 room just perfectly
  20. inhaleindica


    Don't listen to redeyed guy! He doesn't know what he is talking about.... That plant sure could use some Nitrogen hands down! Not all strains have the same requirement. Some like more nutrients than others.