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  1. KiminKanada

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Hello, Excellent advice, thanks for posting. I jsut have a few buds my sister gave me from her old mans' stash lol, what is the quickest way I can dry them so I can spark it up!! Thanks
  2. KiminKanada

    :Joint: Tokin'

    Could someone tell me how I can find out if there is a forum on here to find out how to dry leaves/buds faster?
  3. KiminKanada

    :Joint: Tokin'

    not tres fat..LMAO very fast I meant!! any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Kim
  4. KiminKanada

    :Joint: Tokin'

    Hello from Ontario near Ottawa..just finished harvesting Northern Lights up here. smells good, any ways to try it tres fat???
  5. KiminKanada

    Any one ever smoke your leaves.(the leaves not the budd)

    I was wondering the same thing, we harvested about one week ago here in Ontario and I am having a hard time waiting for it to dry lol. Leaves are looking good right about now!!