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  1. P

    uk gorilla warfare what you doing

    Went out for a long walk today to look at possible sites. I live in wales so theres plenty of room for everyone! 3 mins walk from my house and your in the middle of nowere! However we do have rather a large amount of sheep here, so im looking at fields that have no sheep, however the soil isnt...
  2. P

    Flowering diary

    Im on my 1st grow, and ive been letting the plant let me know when i give too much or too little,
  3. P

    400 watt bulb, in 1000 watt balis?

    I have a 400 watt bulb running on a 600 watt ballest, the ballest is on a paving slab am i ok? i will get a 600 watt bulb next week when i get some readies
  4. P

    Am i ready to start flowering?

    Im really sorry, i went up to my plants just now with the intention of topping them but i just cant, sorry its my first grow, their my babies, my book says do it, you say do it, but i cant bring myself round to it. I wish i knew a grower who could help me, i just cant do it!!!!! If they do get...
  5. P

    Great help, thanks

    Great help, thanks
  6. P

    Am i ready to start flowering?

    Wise guy, do you mean taking the very top bit off the plant? cheers
  7. P

    Am i ready to start flowering?

    Im definately going to look into that low stress training thanks!!! Luvvin, do i keep my plants in the dark now for 48 hours, or would you go straight into 12/12? Ive got that canna terres flowering nutrients do i need anything else? ive heard of a booster for the 5th week for hydroponics, is...
  8. P

    Am i ready to start flowering?

    Their about 2 foot high at the momment, someone told me im being greedy vegging for too long! What are the advantages to vegging for longer, apart from the obvious? sorry i didnt mean to sound like an idiot!
  9. P

    Am i ready to start flowering?

    Hi everyone, ive had a look around the site, and i read that branches need to be alternating, mine arent doing that, however i worry if it grows 2/3 times its size as some say it does. Im adding a picture, with a lighter to give it some scale. The police turning up at my house recently wanting...
  10. P

    yellowing leafs please help!

    Ah now im more worried! i do like your grow journal, and i will alternate when i add neutrients to the water. What Cf level should i be aiming for? And as for pitballs, im more of a staffordshire bull terrior man myself, i have 2 :) Pitballs are banned over here in the uk.
  11. P

    yellowing leafs please help!

    Ive just found out im using hydroponics neutrients. I have a hydroponics system, but i cant use it becasue plans changed. Here is the link to the neutrients im using i have some baby bio but i havent used that, the back of the neutrients says to...
  12. P

    yellowing leafs please help!

    I currently have 2 plants both about 5 weeks old and about 8/9 inches high. recently the lower leaves started to turn yellow, and they are getting yellower. Ive looked through some posts and think it may be nitrogen deficincy. I am feeding them Ionic grow. Ive read here that you should water...
  13. P

    help, whats this? im worried

    i just got the plant about a week ago, i havent been feeding it anything in particular, was waiting for student load to come through to get stuff for it. i dont know its ph or anything like that at the momment. some of the branches are getting completely wiped out by it. I can buy whatever...
  14. P

    help, whats this? im worried

    Ive got a picture of a plant with some damage. The leaves turn brown/grey and then die. its happened for the past 4 days now and its not looking good. i am going to a garden centre today to get whatevers needed. i have a photo of one of the leafs thank you i have heard it could be lack of...
  15. P

    Please help, im very worried :(

    sorry, i realised i didnt answer your question: the colour is grey with a bit of brown its the same concistency everywere, but not as much at the top. it began in the middle areas and went down, and then up
  16. P

    Please help, im very worried :(

    ive managed to get a picture brick top, i was worried you would feed me to the pigs if i didnt!!!! What do you think of this? thanks for your help by the way
  17. P

    Please help, im very worried :(

    i have had a look at that thread before, my plant is mostly like figure 12 with the phospherous deficincy. Any idea how i can sort it out? Sorry to sound like a noob, im a member of other forums on all sorts of things, and theres nothing worse than a noob asking questions that have allready...
  18. P

    Please help, im very worried :(

    Hello clever people. I have recently been given a cannabis plant, its about 3ft tall, i have no idea how old it is, and the stork is pretty wide. When it arrived one side of the plant had less growth than the other, it has a decent amount of buds on it but some of the leaves start to get...