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    DOPEoNaROPEnew grow method!!

    cause explaining it just makes it SOOOOO much funnier.....
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    HPS 250 whipping my 26 wattx8 6500k cfl's

    Do you all tend to prefer the 250w hps or twp 150w hps, given price is not an issue and a similar amount of space?
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    DOPEoNaROPEnew grow method!!

    Ok, so I got mine growing upwards from the rope, how do I get the nuggs to fall up into the pans and stay? Glue?
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    100% Legal bud

    ^^^ I agree! I tripped my ass off on salvia, I thought I was in this 2-d world like in mario bros. or something. Bright lights will mess with your head, so be careful. It onlt lasts like 10 mins MAX.
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    I dont think it would hurt anything, people use ask to make ferts all the time. I hear the reason dog/cat shit doesnt work so well is that those animals tend to eat meat (not always, obv) and the meat's decomposition makes for bad ferts if done improperly. But go ahead and smoke ya boy!
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    grow the plant small

    I heard pruning was to increase yields by changing the ratio of plant-mass to root-mass to favor plant-mass growth. If you want a small plant, veg a large one til it's as mature as you want it, then clone it. Sorry, this is in no way related to your question, Tekken's just my favorite game EVAR!!!
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    When stoners get up in the morning, they always say . . .

    I actually train MMA, so we do a good bit of this, too. It's good shit. I got to fight/roll with a few Rangers. Interesting fellas.... BJJ is fvckin' awesome, I have such a great time there! What kinda music you heads into? I like Davis and the 'Trane lately, I've been rediscovering some older...
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    When stoners get up in the morning, they always say . . .

    Thanks, MRbud, I sure will!
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    When stoners get up in the morning, they always say . . .

    Hi all, My name is ich1, I'm from the southern(ish) eastern(ish) usa. Well, I guess that doesn't really narrow it down too much, eh? I found this site while surfing on ICMag. I'm interested in reactor-style growing (like the Barrel of Green) and cab-style, cause I gotta keep this on the DL. I...