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  1. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    + REp Beansly Great Forum,thanx
  2. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    My stuff is all dried up and my friend who baged them says they taste great and hits a nice Fuzzy high. now i'm gona cure on a open the bottle every 12 hours for 4 days then seal it for a day at a time for a week then start testing and cure to desire.Q is there a point of where i know i can't...
  3. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Asoon as I'v dried and Cured i'll add pics of the Manicured Bud.
  4. PatricStarFish

    Bru yo inbox is Sligthly over Croweded: that was my problem too,i Striked major Troubels like My...

    Bru yo inbox is Sligthly over Croweded: that was my problem too,i Striked major Troubels like My plants sctreched,got spider mites ect..but lets leave weed out for now, WTF is up with Cactusus?i tougth my friends were spining sum bull shit about Tripping on Cactuses,but there you are Living...
  5. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Then Due to uneven size plants i try to accommodated all of them by shifting the light first that way then like that ,well you can imagine how they stretched due to that lil mistake so when time came that my light was as it's highest and my poor babies started taking heat stress and sum of them...
  6. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Well that how all of them grew up and the other is my Prime Kush.
  7. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Hello Plls well it's been long time since last post but the children have grown and although the first one were male the rest all went on to star growing pistils.but then i ran into sum other troubles like space for one. . . .but this is how they progressed.
  8. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Quick summary of whats happend. Now im refering to the 1st foto in the last uploaded post. Note the to big ones,they turned male.the ones in the Brown pots are all at there final stage of vegging.3 of the ones the were in brown pots were transplanted to bigger pots and they turned FEMALE,one has...
  9. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    hello pls. sorry i havn't updated in a while grows been going slow. Well as for the Purple monster and the possible kush they turned male with another one. I imidatatly removed them,and then replanted them out doors. I would like to know what is the chance of ,a seed harvested of a male...
  10. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    ok so the first one is the whole bunch the 2nd and 3nd i'm not sure and the fourth is my possible hydro and purle "bush" hope the pics help and hope to hear for all peace out.
  11. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    So the first pic is that of the possibl kush? Second is the kush and Purple, and the third is a pic of the purple for a clear view.
  12. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Ok so my box is built and my ligth installed,now i need the help of masters' . . . So the ones in Brown pot is Skunk (or a higher grade) the ones in the green pots are the swazi tipe (the lower grade possibly conssiderd as dirt weed) And the big one one the left is a hydro grown kush and the...
  13. PatricStarFish

    What mutant plant is this????

    Frankenstein Kush WTF?? i need to follow this thread and see were thous "mutants" take u. . .
  14. PatricStarFish

    400 Watt HPS Grow box (26 Random Bag seed) Need help to Id Babies

    Hey guys. . .this would be my uhmf. . .lets see now, 8th grow that im gonig to attemt:clap: Ive always had probs either Parents,Ligth or space. . .now im in my own flat and got my self a nice 400watt hps Waco Ligth. My grow box specs are W0.8m x L1.2m x H 1.7m Im using regular PC Fans(x6)...
  15. PatricStarFish

    90 w LED - Need advice qucik! Should I replace with 400 w hps? +rep for the help

    hey bru. . . you gota nice looking spesimen going on there between thous buns he??
  16. PatricStarFish

    9 Bagseed grow journal

    Where i live in South Africa u can pick up a 100g of Skunk for R700 thats about $100. . . and a 100g bag of swag for R300 ($45)