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  1. M

    101 Degrees in grow room 68 degrees in DWC Bucket. Chiller system

    Good idea , but what size extractor fan are u using , because that might help with heat build up
  2. M

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Hi there can any one help me please,,i am into 4thweek budding stage and leaves r not growing ,some have gone brown and curled.and the plant ain t swollowing the water i have checked my air pump and its fine i am using vitalink bloom and buddie.400w light.just can t work this one out
  3. M

    how far should my light be from my plants?

    Could some help me and tell me why my one plant is stunned?my air pump broke down in the week but i got a new one the next day .I am 4 weeks into growing and the plant is about 2 foot tall,is this a good hieght.also i was told if u snip the top of the plant it will grow bigger but not so