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  1. T

    Spots, wilting.

    Yeah, I have already checked all those out. They make me second guess it more than anything. I'm probably going to flush them tomorrow and see where that takes me, but if anyone has input between now and then it'd be much appreciated. I have checked over the FAQs already here and the overgrow FAQ.
  2. T

    Spots, wilting.

    Checked them again a few minutes ago, first one that showed signs is doing the worst, 2nd one is catching up, and there is now a third showing signs on its lower leaves--all of the LSD strain. pics this possibly nute burn?
  3. T

    Spots, wilting.

    So these are 21 days from germination of seeds, and I have 5xLSD (fem), 4xAurora Indica (n), 3xKandy Kush (fem), 3x LA Confidential (fem), 3xTHC Bomb (n), 1xPure Afghan Kush (n) in 6" rockwool cubes under a 600W @ 75% (~450W) . Currently, I have been using tap water (90PPM, 9pH) and adjusting...
  4. T

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    Maybe you should read this forum? Pretty much all the experienced users on this forum have come to the conclusion that flushing is useless...or at least any of the growers on here that I respect. If you haven't came to the same conclusion by now, you don't use this forum much. EDIT: I don't...
  5. T

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    You aren't supposed to flush, at least from a scientific point of view (there is no proof that it improves taste or gives a more pleasurable smoke as this is subjective to the user) and when you look at the procedure from a scientific stand point, all flushing does is stress your plants and hurt...
  6. T

    Could Call It Acid...

    Nice artwork man, I am not much of an artist but you have some pretty cool ideas in your head :) ever thought of coloring them in after a scan in PS or Illustrator?
  7. T

    HELP:Noob here :)

    Yields change depending on a lot of things, if it is his first grow expecting a lower yield is always better. If the plants encounter any sort of stress throughout the grow (nute burn or deficiencies) it'll impact yield overall as well. Also, if the plants get too cold at night it'll stunt their...
  8. T

    PICSS 600 watt 3x3 closet grow 3 days from harvest

    Nice stealth grow, must be happy it's a couple days away :) I'm about a couple days away myself, I just never updated my grow thread...might post pics after all is said and done.
  9. T

    Any ideas for quality equipment first full indoor grow

    Nice man, you will love that LA Confidential. Trust me when I say that. Lemon Skunk is nice, too, as is LA Woman, but LA Conf was some of the finer bud I've come across. As for the ballast, quantum and lumatek are pretty much the same as far as reliability and performance, but the quantum's are...
  10. T

    Any ideas for quality equipment first full indoor grow

    I love my quantum, and I really don't have anything against it, but I won't get another simply because they have a fan, and the lumateks dont--and they get to be about the same temperature. They are quality ballasts, though. I got mine because it was a steal, and it is serving its purpose quite...
  11. T

    Any ideas for quality equipment first full indoor grow

    I have a similar set up to yours, I've upgraded things through my grow (I am using a Secret Jardin DR150). I'm finishing off a soil grow now, but have the equipment to move to hydroponics. I am currently using a 600W quantum dimmable ballast, and I have no gripes about it, but the Lumatek...
  12. T

    Help Sexing

    I think I'm just paranoid of the females getting pollinated, so I pulled the #3, 5, and 8 plants from the tent, but I just put them back in... don't want seeds :(
  13. T

    Help Sexing

    yeah first grow...should i but #3/5/8 back in the tent? I was fairly sure they were male...they have 'sacks'
  14. T

    Help Sexing

    #7 81-84 is a fem or too early #8 85-88 is a male #9 89-92 is a fem i think, but i'm not sure (on the fence, maybe a male?) #10 93-96 i'm not sure...maybe a fem, but on the fence again #11, 12, 13 (4x pics each, in that order) not really sure about, hoping for females..
  15. T

    Help Sexing

    #5 (0873-0876) is def a male #6 (0877-0880) fem or too early
  16. T

    Help Sexing

    #3 (0865-0868) is a male, I am pretty sure. #4 (0869-0872) is female, I think...or I could just be hoping they're all female and they're too early to tell :P
  17. T

    Help Sexing

    So this isn't quite a week, but it's been a few days now of 12/12 and I've definitely been able to find what I think to be 3 males, and some I'm a bit on the fence about. Here's the format, it's heavy in pictures, sorry: 4 pictures of each plant, plants referred to as #s 1-13, there's 51...
  18. T

    Help Sexing

    0789? Damn, how'd you tell? That pic I figured was the most useless out of all the ones I took....but I'm a noob.
  19. T

    Help Sexing

    Thanks! That's kind of what I figured, I'll probably wait a few more days and document pictures of each plant and throw them back up here for some help if I can't figure them out by then.
  20. T

    Help Sexing

    Hello there RIU members, I am currently on day 2 of flowering (I vegged for almost 35 days, so they are relatively mature plants) for 13 plants (4xWhite Widow, 4x Crystal, 5x Ice) in a 4x4 tent w/ 1x600W HPS. This is my first experience with cultivating this plant, so I am not exactly sure...