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  1. I

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Ok so I have a question... I have 10 plants that I vegged in solo cups under natural sunlight (windowsill) since they were germinated. I recently started feeding them with molasses within the last 2 weeks. I just found out that 7 are female within the last 2-3 days. Last night I transplanted...
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    Newb Grow Journal With Questions...

    Ok it has been a few weeks now and I have had great success so far. 10 out of the 16 plants survived. 7 out of the 10 are guaranteed females. They all showed their sex this week. Now since I know which are females I am putting them back into vegging under cfl's for a few more weeks... I just...
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    When to use mollasses?

    I am going to try this whole molasses thing I have heard about. When should I start using it? When the plants first shows signs of female? How much? how often?
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    Newb Grow Journal With Questions...

    Ok guys thanks for the advice on the nutrients. Today another 3 seeds sprouted bringing me to a total of 16 out of 25. So far, none have broken through the soil yet. I'm thinking within the next day or so they should start breaking on through. Once they break through I will post up some...
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    Newb Grow Journal With Questions...

    So, about a week ago I started my growing experience off. The seeds were provided to me by a buddy of mine, they are some really good bag seed. I used the paper towel method to sprout my seeds. It produced good results 13 out of 25 sprouted so far. The 13 that sprouted I planted in solo cups...
  6. I

    Could This Work

    I am new to the whole Bubbleponics thing. I guess you could say I'm tired of being a "dirt bag"...for now. Now I've done alot of research on the site and others. I am just finishing up putting together my Diy Bubbleponics. I still have some tweaking of the system left. Now, what I am wondering...