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  1. jack420

    lots of help needed

    ya have a lot of book knowledge and very little expierence. but i have good friend with good clones they all seem to be doing pretty good. here is there mother five weeks into outdoor bloom
  2. jack420

    lots of help needed

    Have new house with nice shop. medical card in hand. bluberry,and blueberry kush clones started now i need to get a better idea of what i will need for the room. I have a 8x12 veg room and a 12x12 bud room hane a 30 plant limit now soon will go to 45 maybe 60 (limited by law) two 1000 watt mh...
  3. jack420

    not another one please

    thank you the other blueberry female had open male flowers today so i was buggin. hate to lose both of them
  4. jack420

    not another one please

    can someone tell me if these are male flowers unopeded.:confused:
  5. jack420

    What is an hermaphrodite?

    may have anoth hemorphadite blue berry is this a male flower not open yet?:confused: